You are currently viewing 3 razones para invertir capital extranjero en Venezuela

3 reasons to invest foreign capital in Venezuela

In Venezuela, despite the political situation, there have been opportunities in the economic field as a result of the constant tax exemptions. Thanks to this, the importation and commercialization of finished goods is one of the main economic activities in the country. And although for more than two decades it has been demonstrated that Venezuela's financial panorama is decadent. Economic and commercial activities do not cease to manage a stable economy that has been maintained during the last century in the country. Clearly, there are advantages and disadvantages in the economic framework but in the legal and administrative aspects there are many opportunities to be taken advantage of. Such is the case of tax exemptions and procedural streamlining in terms of imports and exports. In that sense, in this new article we will talk about some reasons to invest foreign capital in Venezuela.

1- Business sustainability and medium-term recovery

Undoubtedly Venezuela is a territory in which investing is very risky, but there are many opportunities at these junctures that allow small companies to grow in the country. The web portal reviews that there are many foreign investors looking for differentiating products for mass markets in Latin America. And Venezuela points as a country that can contribute in digital markets as impact investments.

In the country there are ideas that have been well executed to meet specific needs, such as delivery services and virtual wallets. Although they are born in decapitalized environments, they have not ceased to be effective alternatives to certain problems and they have become of interest to many investors. Profitability and recovery in the medium term can be achieved if the company is aware of its needs and markets according to growth. In fact, many times these companies can be sold to buyers within the industry, allowing growth in the market.

2- Successful experiences of foreign investment in Venezuela

Currently, there are companies such as Yummy and Coco Mercado that belong to business accelerator groups in the United States. The Why Combinator group has provided them with advice and seed capital for the execution of their activities. It is thus evident how international initiatives advocate the development of alternative business models. Another example of these companies is the transnational Pedidos Ya, a Uruguayan company specializing in delivery services through a mobile application. This company has been operating in the country since 2020 and has gradually managed to expand its use throughout the national territory. Undoubtedly, the expansion of affiliated businesses has been one of the key elements for the company to operate in 17 cities. In this way, the company has established itself in Chile, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Mexico, making the Latin American market its stronghold.

3- Satisfy a need with your product and take legal advice at every step of its production.

Previously, we had already told you How to generate the confidence of foreign investors in Venezuela? And the Legal keys for foreign investment in Venezuela. So in order to complement this information we are going to tell you a couple of tips that should be applied to have a successful investment.

The first tip is to define the need that your product is going to satisfy, for this it is important that the market study is carried out before making the prototype. This will allow you to better understand the sector in which you are going to operate commercially, and you will be able to define your target audience. This is fundamental, since many projects do not reach profitability because the product is not positioned in the public. So this is a relevant reason to invest foreign capital in Venezuela, since the needs are countless and can be solved.

And finally, the other advice we bring you is to count on the advice of a group of experts in corporate law in Venezuela. This will help you to know and adapt your business practices to the rules and laws of the industry. Also, a team of lawyers can help you mitigate risks related to money laundering, corruption, among others.

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