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4 Tips to promote compliance in your company

Companies should promote ethics and good practices within the organization. This is necessary because the engine of the company is the people who work in it and they must be motivated periodically. In the long run this allows to establish solid relationships with each business unit and increase labor productivity. By encouraging the members of an organization to immerse themselves in the improvement of the company and the business processes for which they are responsible. Therefore, by promoting compliance in your company, you are strengthening these principles and adding value to the company. In that sense, in this article we will give you 4 tips to promote compliance in your organization.

Communicate and remember the organization's mission and values.

It is essential that the members of an organization be periodically reminded of the mission and values on which the company is based. Their importance lies in the fact that these principles should serve as attributes and conditions within every business, administrative and legal activity. Therefore, their application as a focus for important decisions creates a professional and ethical culture aligned with the company's mission and vision.

This strategy can be applied with videos, conferences, workshops, and other types of activities that involve personnel to raise awareness of their activities within the company. Through the persuasion of specific codes and appropriate language, the daily activities of the company can be channeled under the compliance of specific standards. In that sense, the heads of each department establish the controls and structures for the adjustment and monitoring of daily processes and routines.

Explain with positive phrases the behaviors that should be followed.

In this sense, assertive communication is important because it allows messages to be clear and concise for the listener. Therefore, it must be present when writing advertising messages, speeches, communications or memorandums that want to establish guidelines for behavior within the company. In this way, healthy habits are promoted within the company's practices, at the same time that the code of conduct is established.

It is also important and advisable to have a compliance officer for the drafting of internal rules and policies. This way there will be no misunderstandings in the procedures and penalties inherent to administrative, commercial and conduct regulations. By establishing these regulatory procedures, employees will be guided when making decisions inherent to their functions. Therefore, by methodologically reminding them of the company's approach, procedures can be more organized in the long term.

Disseminate the achievements of each business unit

It is important that each review and control that is successfully evaluated should be disseminated among the company's communication channels. This promotes fellowship and shows that daily actions have an impact on the company's image and productivity.

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