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5 Steps to create your company's compliance manuals

A company's internal standards help to ensure good practices in the different procedures carried out within the company. That is why it is important to have a clear understanding of the objectives they pursue when creating and promoting regulations. Since a good regulation allows the development and proactivity of each business unit, at the same time that regulates the procedures in different scenarios that may occur within the company. In this article we will explain the 5 steps you should take into account to create your company's compliance manuals.

Contact a lawyer you trust to help you draft the rules.

Legal drafting is essential to create the regulations that will govern your business, so it is necessary to have a lawyer who has experience in the matter. This is essential so that the legal, coexistence, security and other regulations are aligned with the different laws that govern your business. And even these regulations can regulate the procedures in case the company requires special procedures and sanctions.

In that sense, having a good legal advice indicates that all the rules to be drafted are in accordance with national and international laws and standards. Without losing the special focus of the industry in which the company's business operations are framed.

Identifies and establishes the values on which the company was founded.

The values that govern all of the company's operations must be identified and communicated to the legal counsel. This will allow the wording of each regulation to be adjusted to the ethical and moral values that the company's managers and employees should have. These values will help to govern the behavior of all the participants of the organization, at the same time that they constitute the theoretical framework of the rules.

Drafting of safety, coexistence, health, safety, legal and security standards, among others.

To prevent the risks inherent to the different aspects of the business, it is important to draft regulations and standards for safety, coexistence, health and safety, among others. This will allow the company to establish specific procedures for the different situations and behaviors that may arise.

Ensure that these standards are linked to work objectives.

It is essential to identify the need or procedure to be regulated. And if there are no previous or specific standards, international regulations or other companies in the sector can be used as a reference. In the same way, these should be focused on the fulfillment of labor objectives that lead the company towards proactivity and development.

That is why at the time of drafting them, it must be very clear whether the objectives are linked to sales, service provision, or another type of purpose. Since together they operate harmoniously to redirect the efforts of the personnel towards common objectives of the company.

Discuss the rules with the people in your organization.

Once the preliminary draft of the standards has been prepared, it must be submitted to the members of the organization for review. In this instance, the regulations can be improved thanks to the experiences of the workers and other members who will comply with these standards. These observations should be taken to the drafting committee so that they can be included in the document. Once included, a final approval consultation is made to ensure that they are fully approved by all members.

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