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Brexit: impact of Brexit takes a heavy toll on Ireland

Separating elements of a mixture is often a complicated task and a process that requires trial and error to achieve the best results. When it comes to dissolving businesses, agreements and laws it can be even more complex, as it impacts human beings and involves diverse interests.

When these separations are made on equitable terms, they do not represent a major problem for either party. However, when any of them is in an unfavorable situation, each action can cause a significant imbalance. Such is the case of Northern Ireland in the face of the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union (EU).

Since the Brexit victory (name coined by the term Britain Exit) in June 2016, the transition for the United Kingdom - including Northern Ireland - has involved the legal review of all trade treaties and migration - social policies, just to mention some of the most salient issues.

Although in Northern Ireland the votes in favor of Brexit were a minority.The EU, compared to those who advocated continuity in the EU, now faces a scenario with a possible border controlled by its southern neighbor and possible conflicts that could jeopardize the peace signed between the two neighbors in the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.

Brexit: Transition in the midst of a tidal wave

The Irish government has already warned the legal, economic and social implications it will have to deal with with Brexit. Expectations do not seem hopeful for the vast majority. However, it depends to a large extent on the ability of legal professionals to adjust the regulations to adapt to the new reality, without hindering the guarantees already achieved.

The situation of agricultural exports in the face of the installation of border customs officesThe possible emergence of smuggling at the borders and the cessation of peace are the main concerns in Northern Ireland in view of the separation from the European economic and political community.

The economy in Ireland is expected to be significantly affected after the new financial measures that would include the return of taxes, which disappeared when the country joined the EU.

The position outside the EU also deprives the UK and Northern Ireland of interaction with the community's own institutions.. Therefore, the fate of the Irish community institutions that receive EU funding has generated concern among specialists, who even question the stability of the European institutions whose founding purpose is to grant and manage these economic resources.

Human resources for negotiation

The Brexit scenario has drawn major transformations. As mentioned above, it is necessary to know the realities of the parties involved, evaluate the different possibilities and count on a professional team of lawyers with expertise in the financial area, capable of advocating for better benefits for the parties involved.

One of the proposals they highlight to mitigate the effects is to make Northern Ireland a special self-governing region.The EU is a country that can continue to be governed under EU guidelines. In order to analyze the feasibility of this approach and the repercussions, specialized legal advice is necessary, since it is a question of directing the destiny of an entire country, its economic relations and the future of its citizens.

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