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Is it convenient to use data analysis in preventive and judicial processes in companies?

Digital transformation has shown that migrating to electronic processes optimizes the daily activities of each company. That is why the use of management systems such as ERP or CRM are the first choice of small and medium-sized companies to manage and measure different activities of their industries. Over the years, they have chosen to analyze the data that these tools yield to make important decisions. This is why many law firms analyze these types of documents to expand knowledge in litigation and other types of proceedings. Because they help to collect and visualize information more effectively for stakeholders. In that sense, in this article we are going to talk about the implications of using data analysis in preventive and judicial processes of companies.

Relationship of data analysis and law

Just as each industry has its own legal framework, each organization has its own data. These represent valuable information for each company that intends to track its processes and daily activities. That is why each organization must ensure the proper use of the data it generates, either through compliance programs, digital security or other mechanisms.

In this case, digital tools can be used in different ways for legal purposes. One of them are the different files available with public information for the knowledge of judges and other profiles of the judicial system. In the same way, the technological resource can be used to understand the final decisions of certain types of litigation. There are many records on the Internet that although they may seem insignificant data, for many lawyers they function as references of agreements or situations that relate to their clients.

Benefit of legal certainty and data management in a legal proceeding

One of the main benefits of legal security is that many non-conventional businesses such as e-commerce, virtual classrooms, digital marketing, optimization of a company's internal servers, among others, need specialized systems and lawyers to protect their clients' information. Thus, many projects add to their ranks lawyers specialized in new technologies and data protection, to be in charge of securing the information that is protected by law. For example, the lawyer can work together with the programmers in charge of the server to host the most sensitive data within an e-commerce portal in specific routes with constant monitoring.

Is it convenient to use data analysis in preventive and judicial processes in companies?

When a lawyer starts with a litigation process, it is essential that he begins to organize the data and documents necessary to support his speech. Therefore, digital technologies correspond to tools capable of simplifying and visualizing these data in different ways. So any resource that can be used for data organization, statistics diagramming and any other type of resource that benefits the analysis and creation of strategies is excellent for any company. And even more so for legal departments, since lawyers will be able to do their research faster. They will also benefit in litigation processes, because they will be able to better understand the case they are taking.

For example, in a legal process regarding an act of corruption in a company. A broad overview of account statements and other evidence that needs to be identified quickly will allow for smoother decision making. That is why data analysis and analytical thinking in general are skills that all lawyers must have in order to be successful in their legal proceedings.


Data analysis is a very useful tool for any legal department within a company. It makes use of digital tools for the organization and visibility of data of any nature, whether financial, human resources, customer data, etc. In that sense, data analysis can be applicable both for the collection of data for litigation, as well as for other procedures. This is a tool that requires the use of technological solutions in order to help the accurate interpretation of such data. That is why using digital tools focused on legal analysis can create more effective litigation strategies.

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