You are currently viewing La nueva revista EH+ hace acto de presencia en la industria de energía e hidrocarburos

New EH+ magazine makes its presence felt in the energy and hydrocarbon industry

The first multimedia platform specialized in energy and hydrocarbons, EH+, was recently launched. This new communication platform will be responsible for disseminating and promoting the latest developments on fuels and energy in the world. It will have a bimonthly magazine and constant content in its networks and website to connect the hydrocarbons industry in the Dominican Republic with the rest of the world. In this article we will talk about the contributions and new perspectives that EH Plus magazine will bring to the hydrocarbons industry.

Presentation of EH Plus magazine to the Dominican media

A few days ago, the official presentation of EH Plus magazine to the Dominican society. The main representatives of the energy and hydrocarbon sectors in the Dominican Republic and Caribbean allies were present at this meeting. In order to get to know the new web portal and understand how this communication effort will enable the evolution of the industry in the country.

The general manager of EH+ states "We want to bring these specialized contents closer to the common citizen, through exclusive reports by the platform's team of journalists. In addition, we will have the analysis of technicians specialized in these sectors around the world." In this way, it is expected that the circulation of 5,000 copies acquired by subscription and in points of sale can serve as an informative platform inside and outside the country. This first edition includes sections such as: We read you, Our world, Columnists, Visionaries, Energy, Hydrocarbons, Sustainability, Innovation and Perspective, among others.

In addition, the platform has a mobile app where users can identify and verify nearby fuel stations, electric recharging points, among other functionalities for the EH Plus magazine follower community.

Professionals that make up the organization in the Dominican Republic

During the official presentation of the platform, its members and representatives in the region were also announced. So for Alan Aldana & Abogados it is a pleasure to announce that attorney Idalia Cabrera, an ally of our firm in the Dominican Republic, is the new general director of the magazine. Accompanied by local and international columnists with many years of experience under the edition of Elena Crespo. Shaula Montás joins the team as general coordinator of the organization.

Contributions of the new EH+ platform in the hydrocarbon industry

The new EH+ platform aims to disseminate the different technological, ethical and operational advances of the energy and hydrocarbon sector in the world, along with the dissemination of local and international daily news. In the following link you can find the first edition of the EH Plus magazine where you will find different articles on current energy discussions. For example, there are sections on the possibility of using nuclear energy to generate electricity in the Dominican Republic. There is also a review of business efforts for energy development in the country, while at the same time the organizations responsible for these energy advances are made visible.

For Alan Aldana & Abogados it is a pleasure to work with allies who strive to improve each of their projects contributing to the development of the hydrocarbons industry in the Caribbean. For our part, we reiterate our commitment to improve and promote best practices in the legal processes of the renewable and non-renewable energy industry.

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