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Gender-based violence increases during the pandemic and triggers alarms.

The pandemic situation caused by the emergency caused by Covid - 19 has changed all social and economic dynamics around the globe. Nothing has been the same since the governments of all countries have taken the necessary isolation and physical distancing measures to avoid contagion. These actions have been effective, in most cases, in stopping the spread of the disease; however, they have aggravated other problems that affect the health and integrity of many people. For example, the isolation and anxiety generated have caused strong imbalances in people and aggravated some experiences of coexistence in homes. 

There are problems that go even further and that have begun to be recorded more frequently during these times.. Family abuse and gender violence has been one of the least visible consequences of confinement in the world. A BBC article reported in early April that calls to report cases of gender violence to the emergency hotline in the UK had increased by 65%, behavior that has been similar in Latin America and Spain.

During the confinement, cases of gender-based violence have increased.

Tensions in the home due to quarantine have increased the occurrence of this type of crime. The United Nations defines gender-based violence, or violence against women, as "any act of violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life". Figures from the World Health Organization estimate that one in three women in the world have suffered physical or sexual violence from a partner or third party.

Among the factors that increase the risk of this type of crime in couples, the WHO has highlighted the following: a history of violence, marital discord and dissatisfaction, communication difficulties between partners, and men's domineering behavior towards women. In confinement, all these circumstances can undoubtedly be enhanced and their occurrence significantly increased. In addition, this situation occurs in a scenario in which the victims are isolated from the mechanisms to defend and protect themselves, due to isolation. 

Quarantine provides the ideal isolation situation for these crimes against women to occur. According to a France 24 report, 12 femicides and 226 rapes were registered in Peru during eight weeks. The figures in Argentina are not very different, which is why both countries have reinforced the systems of telephone calls to denounce this type of actions. Argentina published a manual on gender and diversity measures. in the framework of the sanitary emergencyThe aim is to give visibility to this issue, increase support to those who are victims and prevent the situation from continuing to grow.

The UN has called gender-based violence the other pandemic.In view of the increase in the number of cases during confinement by Covid-19, the frequency of educational campaigns against this type of crime has increased; likewise, related foundations have made an effort to accompany victims in legal proceedings. For example, in Peru, measures have been taken to facilitate and speed up the isolation of the aggressor in the event of complaints.

Venezuela launched the "Quarantine free of violence" communication campaignThe government has also set up hotlines to prevent gender-based violence in homes during the quarantine period. Telephone lines have also been activated to receive this type of complaints and several organizations defending the human rights of women and children have requested the installation of emergency shelters that can receive the victims during the confinement, that is, with all the necessary sanitary measures to avoid contagion by coronavirus. Likewise, Venezuelan legislation empowers specialized prosecutors to issue insurance measures to protect the victims immediately, such as restraining orders against the aggressors and even arrest.

At Alan Aldana Abogados & Asociados, we have a team of experts in criminal and family law with whom we expeditiously assist the victims who come to ask for our professional support, we seek to obtain the immediate cessation of the aggressions with a legal and moral support necessary to face this painful situation, which not only affects the physical and psychological integrity of the victim, but also the fundamental nucleus of society, the family.

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