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What is data protection in companies?

The data protection is the set of legal and IT techniques and strategies that guarantee the confidentiality of the information of the people who use the services or products of a company. In addition to the protection of other types of information important for the cybersecurity of the organization.

In the business environment, data protection plays an important role in mitigating the risks associated with cybercrime. Therefore, applying protection protocols in the devices that are part of the technological system of the organization can bring great benefits and sustainability to the company.

What are the laws dedicated to data protection in the world?

Countries such as Costa RicaMexico, Argentina, the European Union, among others, have dedicated specific laws for the protection of their citizens' data. And taking into account developments such as the growing development of the digital economy. It is clear that these measures have managed to maintain healthy technological ecosystems. Allowing the exchange of digital services between different countries, without affecting the privacy and security of its users.

In Costa Rica, the Personal Data Protection Law was recently passed, the creation of which responds to the desire to adhere to Convention 108 proposed by the Council of Europe. And in the case of the European Union, there is currently the General Data Protection Regulation, which governs the countries that make up the European Economic Area.

Other existing legislation is that developed in Mexico, such as the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Obligated Subjects of 2017, whose approach is preventive in nature. And in Argentina, which stands out as a pioneer in the region as a signatory to Convention 108, they have already adapted their practices for the international transfer of personal data in terms of cybersecurity through the LPDP and the complementary measures of the Agency for Access to Public Information.

What are the principles of data protection in companies?

The principles governing data protection in companies are as follows:

1) Notification: consumers should be notified when their data is collected, and what the destination of the data is.

2)Choice: the user should have the option to opt out of the collection and transmission of data to third parties.

3) Transparency: all data transmission must be identifiable and traceable.

4) Security: data security protocols must be activated to ensure data integrity.

5)Access: users should have access to the information collected, as well as have access to change or delete it if they wish to do so.

6) Implementation: optimal communication systems must be managed to ensure the application of all these principles.

How to implement data protection in companies?

What is known as data protection in companies, is having more presence in almost everything around us. Because it is a practice designed to avoid operational, economic and reputational risks, data leakage in banking transactions, protection of critical telecommunications infrastructures, among other risks. Besides, it is a requirement to be part of several organizations, such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), as well as to trade products and services with countries of the European Union.

So if you want to apply data protection in your company, you can implement it by promoting a culture of security and privacy in your business, through specific techniques, such as the following:

  1. Raise awareness among employees and management personnel: about the legal aspects of information processing, the impact of data protection on company productivity and the consequences and penalties associated with computer crimes.
  1. Create and execute a strategic vision that involves all departments: in active IT security processes.
  1. Plan communication strategies to promote trust: in the transparency of the methodology and the protection of data flows.

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