You are currently viewing Boletín informativo sobre la Ley Antibloqueo sancionada en Venezuela

Information bulletin on the Anti-blockade Law enacted in Venezuela

On October 12, 2020, by means of the Extraordinary Official Gazette No. 6.583The Constitutional Anti-Lockout Law for National Development and the Guarantee of the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples of the Dominican Republic Human RightsThe purpose is to establish a temporary regulatory framework to provide the Public Power with legal mechanisms to mitigate and reduce the impact of unilateral coercive measures and other restrictive or punitive measures from another State or group of States or foreign public or private entities.

In the Anti-Lockout Law Newsletter we addressed:

  • Scope of application.
  • Subsequent control.
  • International Center for Productive Investment.
  • Measures for Economic and Productive Balance.
  • Powers attributed to the National Executive.
  • Incorporation of all productive assets to national development.
  • Investment guarantees.
  • Other protective measures.

The bulletin is merely informative and is therefore limited to a brief analysis and summary of the contents of the Constitutional Anti-Lockout Law for National Development and the Guarantee of Human Rights. It does NOT constitute an in-depth study on the substantive aspects of the normative body.