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How to avoid identity theft in the digital world

The connection to the Web undoubtedly offers endless benefits and optimizes infinite processes that translate into time savings and streamlining of activities. However, when the necessary precautions are not taken to operate in this virtual space, the risks of becoming a victim of fraud become latent.

What is phishing?

Phishing is the term used to refer to a virtual crime characterized by identity theft.. Evidently whoever commits this type of crime, the phisherThe phishing scammer has extensive computer skills and knows how to circumvent some security systems. Phishing is an attempt to fraudulently acquire confidential information, usually passwords, bank account or credit card information, or even private information about companies, legal cases, among others.

One of the main characteristics of this crime is that the perpetrator poses as a trusted person or institution. through a communication that falsifies the official one, usually sent in an e-mail or by means of an instant messaging system or telephone calls. The intention of these criminals is to obtain confidential information that allows them to carry out the scam.

Phishing scams affect both small and large companies, being measures adopted in cybersecurity the most effective way to safeguard data and prevent these crimes.

One of the most frequently reported cases of phishing involves the interception of email communications between seller and buyer.. The offender, in this case, creates email accounts with subtle modifications with the intention of not arousing suspicion. Thus the hacker keeps copying the emails received from the supplier for a while and sends them from the newly created address, sends the buyer a modified invoice with his own bank account and the scam takes place. Another frequent scheme is the impersonation of the email address of a senior manager of the company in question.

If one of these crimes occurs, the best thing to do is to act quickly and contact the authorities in charge of cybercrime. These recommendations will reduce the risk of becoming a victim of these crimes:

  • In the case of companies and banking institutions, invest in robust cybersecurity systems that detect the presence of electronic fraud and reduce vulnerability to fraud.
  • Keep passwords for bank accounts, e-mails and social networks safe.
  • Avoid responding to links in emails of dubious origin. Remember that banking institutions will not ask you for confidential information via web. The collection of this data is always done in person.
  • Do not open any e-mail attachments that have not been requested by you.
  • Protect your passwords and do not reveal them to anyone.
  • Do not use the same password for all the services you are affiliated with.
  • Do not provide confidential information via telephone or e-mail.
  • Keep your browser up to date and apply the corresponding security systems.
  • When accessing your bank accounts or personal services, avoid doing so through public computers or wifi.

In messaging applications and email accounts, you must activate the two-step verification to protect access from third parties who may have obtained your initial password.
