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What are the most popular branches of law in Venezuela?

In order to study law, it is necessary to quickly identify where our interests lie. At the moment of choosing a specialty, personal concerns come to the surface, and for that reason it is necessary to understand well what is the object of study of each one in order to make the right decision. For Alan Aldana & Abogados, professional training is important, which is why its team is composed of specialists in criminal, commercial and financial law. In this sense, we will explain which are the most popular branches of law today and how these services are applied in the daily course of our activities.

Differences between each branch of law

Currently there are some branches of law that lawyers prefer when practicing nationally and internationally. Specializing in criminal law, commercial law or tax law means personal success for many lawyers, since with these higher studies they validate the knowledge obtained in the branch of law to which they want to focus their intellect and praxis. The most popular specializations are criminal law, financial law, commercial law, constitutional law and administrative law.

Criminal law

The criminal law is the branch of law that studies criminal law, the conduct that violates them and the imposition of penalties or sanctions applicable to the perpetrators of crimes and misdemeanors. This is a popular branch of law among lawyers as these services are frequently requested in every country.

At Alan Aldana & Abogados we specialize in judicial processes related to the economic criminal law and international. These are an extremely interesting aspect since we work together with our clients to channel the processes of fraud, money laundering and other financial crimes. Our specialists have 20 years of experience in this branch of law and specialize not only in the Venezuelan criminal code but in different legislations worldwide. Therefore, the study of international criminal law has made us understand how to prevent financial crimes and how to proceed before international courts when the case involves human rights.

Commercial Law

This is one of the most popular branches of law that is in charge of legislating commercial processes within the acts of commerce. This means that the study of these regulations are linked to the development of business within the framework of public and private law. Its purpose is to safeguard the interests of consumers and maintain the legal stability of companies in order to consolidate a healthy economy.

It is important because it establishes the procedures for the creation of companies and guarantees a legal framework for commercial transactions. It also establishes the duties and rules applied to companies or entrepreneurs, such as commercial contracts and loans.

Financial Law

The FINANCIAL LAW is the branch of private law that specializes in the laws and regulations pertaining to banks and financial institutions. These laws penalize natural and legal persons who in the exercise of their profession incur in financial crimes. This is one of the branches that can be studied and applied at an international level, adapting to the legislation of each country.

At present it can be applied through the compliance required by banks and institutions that regulate economic activity worldwide. The purpose of this legal service is to provide clients with the appropriate advice so that their financial transactions are fully legal. That is to say, that they comply with all the requirements to ensure a healthy banking activity for them and their companies.

Constitutional Law

It is the branch of law that is responsible for studying the laws that govern a state and is applied in the regulation of public authorities. To do so, it uses the constitution and is a branch of law preferred by lawyers because it serves to mediate between the state and citizens. It is also responsible for legislating for constitutional stability, national sovereignty, compliance with fundamental rights, among others.

Administrative Law

The administrative law is the one that comprises the study of the organization and functioning of the public administration, so as to regulate the relations of the institutions with the citizens. It also deals with the judicial protection of goods and values in every procedure executed under public law.

In Alan Aldana & Abogados we also specialize in this branch of law that allows us to mitigate sanctioning procedures of the public administration. Our lawyers are specialists in the filing of petitions, administrative appeals, tax litigation and other types of legal appeals.

To conclude, these branches of law are becoming popular because they become job positions such as: labor inspector, compliance lawyer, prosecutor, judge, notary, public lawyer, tax lawyer, among others. So if you want to opt for any of these positions you must do postgraduate degrees in criminology, law in public administration, master's degree in commercial law, etc. Each legal service is necessary in the daily dynamics of companies and individuals who handle a high flow of capital or who have other needs as clients.

We recommend you to visit our previous article The best options for master's degrees and specializations in law in 2020-2021 where you can learn more about specializations and branches of law preferred by today's lawyers.

If you would like more information or need advice on this and other issues of criminal and commercial law, do not hesitate to contact us at contact us at. We also share with you our social networks so that you can keep updated on the legal topics that are in trend: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter y Linkedin.