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Photo: Alesia Kazantceva

Expansion and tech boom are the trends in legal services for 2019

The world is in constant transformation and that is an absolute reality. In these processes of profound change, technological development and the growth it imposes are part of the trends that do not seem to be reversed in the coming years, to the point that those who resist change may no longer be in the current and future market.

Investing in technological innovation is one of the tasks that legal services need to focus on, as it is what will allow them to stay alive and achieve efficiency in the sector during 2019. The use of these technologies will offer the possibility of handling more data and finding the best ways to protect this confidential information. To achieve this efficiently, it is essential to seek the advice of experts in the area, as the right programs can automate the legal processes that are candidates to do so. In this way, the work of lawyers can focus more on the analysis of the case and not on the processing of information.

Since 2018, legal firms have taken on the challenge of joining the wave of technological change. The migration to the data cloud, the introduction of more sophisticated software and data platforms account for the transformation experienced in one of the areas that was considered more conservative in this regard. Among these scopes is the so-called artificial intelligence from which law firms can benefit for the analysis of case contexts, prediction of legal outcomes, proactive data analysis and contract or legal document analysis.

In addition to the modifications imposed by the advancement of technology, these are the trends in legal services for 2019:

1. Expansion of the service beyond legal counsel

The growth of small and medium-sized companies has turned our attention to the need for professionals who offer commercial and sectorial experience. The development of technologies is also opening up a field that has been little explored: law in the midst of these new technological structures.

2. Closed budgets and greater transparency

With the use of technology, the need to feel more certainty when billing for services seems to prevail.

3. Marketing and detection of business opportunities

Competition and the irruption of digital channels into human life has turned these media into an inexhaustible source of new experiences. Being in them is a great ally to offer services and valuable content to the audience. The presence of a communications and market manager in the structure of law firms is becoming increasingly necessary.

4. The arrival of the first robot lawyer

Named Ross, who provides greater precision in the daily work of lawyers. Ross works with IBM's Watson technology, which makes it possible to read hundreds of databases and process information more quickly, and to filter highly relevant information, an extremely useful tool for searches of precedents and jurisprudence for the analysis of specific cases to be resolved by the law firm.

5. Digital platforms for conflict resolution

Along with robot lawyers, digital platforms aimed at dispute resolution have also been created. With special emphasis to those between online sellers and buyers, according to Oppenheimer (2018, pp.166), the most popular is Which was founded in 2011 by Colin Rule, who served as the head of dispute resolution for eBay and PayPal, which is boasted to have resolved around 400 million cases. Currently, disputes of this nature are resolved more through's digital platform than through the courts, due to the speed with which these procedures are resolved.

6. Algorithms that give predictions about the outcome of a case.

In addition to resolving disputes, there are algorithms that are designed to make predictions about who will win the case. There are now companies that offer predictive analytics, such as, which has files on multiple intellectual property cases - patent cases - evaluating previous applications to detect trends in them and provide a prediction on the application made. has expanded into other areas, such as those under review by the U.S. Supreme Court.

7. Evaluation of judges and courts

In addition, predictive forecasting analysis is being used to evaluate law firms, judges or courts in a matter of seconds. The comparator facilitates the decision as to which law firm to hire, based on a ranking percentage of cases won by each law firm, as well as the experience of specific cases, the time invested to resolve the conflict, the cost per hour of work, among other aspects.

8. Use of dedicated web portals

The implementation and use of technological tools is destined to the use of web portals for simple and routine cases. For example, the drafting of leases, wills, marriage contracts, among others, which by including certain data in the web portal generates the document, without the intervention of lawyers. Among the best known web portals we have:,,

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the use of technological tools has generated various discontents in the lawyers' guild.However, many of them have not proved to be fruitful for the lawyers, since even in the face of the growing popularity that they have gained, the lawsuits were increasingly dismissed by the courts.

Final considerations

Investment in technological resources allows lawyers to expand their services.The firm's legal practice, as well as the updating to universal trends, increases the performance and optimization in complex cases. As well as in oral trials, through which lawyers expose allegations that must be heard by the judge hearing the case. On the other hand, and as a fundamental aspect is the creation of bonds with clients, which leads to trust, belonging to the human conscience.

Finally, and on the occasion of all the above, adaptation becomes imperative with the implementation of new technological media.These are undoubtedly fundamental for the development and evolution of law firms, as they are tools designed to innovate and improve the provision of professional services, which allows law firms to position themselves in the market. rakings and move into other areas with greater transparency.

Additionally, they will help create an optimal vehicle for the personal attorney-client relationship.In the same way, lawyers in oral trials will be better prepared with arguments supported and provided by robots in specific cases, they will have the predictions of the algorithms, which when they are not favorable, extrajudicial negotiation processes can be carried out, which in our opinion will favor the profession, and will give greater access to society, achieving an effective judicial protection executed with expeditious lapses.

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