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What do I have to do to process an inheritance in Spain?

It is now possible to carry out inheritance procedures in Spain, through legal services from Venezuela. This is possible thanks to the alliances consolidated by Aldana & Abogados and the partners from Teder Lawyers in Spain. In this article, we will explain step by step what you must do to start processing an inheritance in Spain.

Requirements necessary to process an inheritance

In order to process an inheritance in Spain it is necessary to have all the documentation in order. For this you can consult with your trusted lawyer, which are the documents that you can process from the consulate and which are not.

The requirements are:

  • The testator, or owner of the property, resides in Spain.
  • Power of attorney to act on behalf of the heir
  • Death Certificate
  • Certificate of Last Wills
  • Will
  • Photocopy of ID card of the deceased and heirs
  • Last receipts of Real Estate Taxes
  • Real estate titles
  • Certifications of the existing balances in the accounts in which the deceased is listed
  • Family book
  • Vehicle data sheets

Frequently asked questions from clients needing to process an inheritance in Spain

How long does it take to file a tax return with the Spanish Tax Authorities?

This application must be filed within the first six months after the death of the person. The Declaration must be filed by the heirs under a certified legal representation, and this will initiate the procedures to claim the inheritance.

How much tax is payable to the tax authorities in Spain?

This varies according to the jurisdiction or autonomous community where the assets are located, for example in the case of Galicia the children and forced heirs can pay from 0 to 1,000,000 euros for each child and testator.

How long do I have to stay in Spain to complete this procedure?

This depends on the time it takes to gather the documentation, if the heir provides all the documents the process can be quite fast. That is why it is advisable to turn to lawyers with experience in this area, in order to be able to get the documents in case the heir does not have them.

What happens when there are several heirs and only one wants to make the declaration?

The interested heir can make the liquidation of the tax without the consent of any other heir. Therefore, it is not necessary that all of them travel to Spain to make the inheritance request, although to make the legal distribution according to the will it is necessary that all the heirs come together with their lawyers.


Anyone who needs to process an inheritance in Spain must keep in mind that documentation is the most important thing. Once all the documents have been compiled and the corresponding powers of attorney have been granted, the legal team can take care of all the paperwork in Spain. For this purpose, there are services that provide clients with all the necessary advice so that the heirs only have to appear at the distribution of the assets. This is beneficial for large families or when the assets are located in different parts of Spain.

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