You are currently viewing 70 años de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos #Standup4humanrights.

70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights #Standup4humanrights.

A major change in the history of mankind occurred 71 years ago, when in 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. At that time the ideals of freedom, justice and peace were recognized as part of the intrinsic dignity of a human being and the legal basis began to be built to preserve that condition, in the face of world events that had seriously injured the integrity of human groups.

After that Declaration, signed at the United Nations General Assembly, countries were invited to adhere to resolution 423, which defined every December 10 of each year as International Human Rights Day. It is now 70 years since that resolution was adopted, and although there is still much work to be done in this regard, the regulatory frameworks have served as a reference for determining responsibilities and raising awareness of this fundamental issue.

These actions reaffirm faith in human rights, in the dignity and value of all people equally. Behind all these universal legal tools lies the intention to promote social progress and raise living conditions within a broader concept of freedom. Underlying its proclamation is the purpose that all peoples and nations work towards this common ideal, so that individuals and institutions are constantly inspired by it, promoting its recognition and teaching in every corner of the planet.

70 years of struggle for Human Rights

The Declaration of Human Rights is the most translated document in the world.currently available in 500 languages. In recognition of its 70-year history, this time the celebration is focused on highlighting the leading role played by young people in the defense of the inalienable fundamental guarantees inherent to all human beings. In this sense, the potential of these actors as agents of change is recognized and they are supported so that they can continue to raise their voices and promote actions that offer, increasingly, a greater understanding of the importance of these issues.

This year, in November, the 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was commemorated.Another reason that showed the importance of rescuing the power of the young population in advocacy and awareness. Under the slogan "You are never too young to change the world", the United Nations has detailed the reasons why this year will put the focus of this celebration on young people:

  • Youth participation is essential to achieve sustainable development, as they are the next generation that will be in charge of making decisions in the near future.
  • Youth can participate in positive changeThey are at the forefront of all issues and bring fresh ideas to the table.
  • Empowering and engaging young people with the improvement of their quality of life ensures the continuity and development of programs that positively impact the experience of everyone on the planet.

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