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Artificial intelligence, a growing transformation in 2020

In a judicial process, the technical knowledge about the current legislation, the facts and the evidence presented, are part of the information that must be handled to follow up the case and determine responsibilities. However, the rise of artificial intelligence in law is modifying who is in charge of this task. How does this happen? Technology has managed to design computer systems that simulate the cognitive processes of lawyers and judges when taking charge of a case. 

Artificial intelligence has been defined as a branch of computer science in the legal field that replacesThrough technology, law functions performed naturally by human beings. These tools are capable of automating the activities performed by human thought, among which are decision making, problem solving, the learning process and information storage. To do so, they are programmed with the information provided by the user through questions necessary to issue a result.

Can artificial intelligence replace human talent?

Some of these artificial intelligence tools have been able to replace human resources, but others were designed to be used as a substitute for human resources. with the intention of supporting the lawyer's work, especially in tasks such as the identification of a problem or the presentation of possible solutions. There are neurophysiological processes that cannot be replicated in a machine and in that sense, some specialists point out that these applications should be used with awareness and evaluating all their risks.

Part of this awareness responds to the recognition of the complexity of human well as the variables that influence it. Although some aspects of the social fact can be measured and introduced into a system, it is clear that the training of a professional, with all his experience and awareness, cannot be replaced in its entirety by technology.

The use of artificial intelligence in law has taken off in a big way to perform certain functions. Perhaps the legal expert systems are the largest application that has been designed so far and it is a tool that is able to assist in the decision making process in a court case. 

The difference in the use of artificial intelligence in this case is the intention to emulate cognitive processes. by proposing solutions by applying expert knowledge in the field and the reasoning behind it. Previously, technological applications of this type used in law only supported the filing of large amounts of information that can be consulted in an automated and intelligent way through the use of database systems.

One of the most critical points when applying these systems, which support decision making in legal casesThe main problem is the ambiguity of some laws susceptible to interpretation and the possible inability of artificial intelligence to deal with these cases. The training of legal professionals in technical knowledge applied to these tools is a necessity to understand their use in more depth and to regulate them, in order to avoid mistakes that in this case translate into injustice and impunity.

That is why in Alan Aldana & Abogados We have a specialized software only for lawyers that has artificial intelligence, whose objective is to support the different lawyers in the reminder of the procedural lapses of the different cases, along with the management of the hours worked in order to provide a transparent service to our clients.