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Aspects to consider when choosing a criminal defense lawyer

There is no perfect formula to win a criminal proceeding, but we know that the expertise of a lawyer is necessary. That is why the importance of a judicial process should not fall into the hands of just anyone. And in order to make the right decision, it is necessary to go to and compare different specialists in criminal law to be able to carry out the procedure with peace of mind. In previous articles we had talked about the role of the criminal lawyer in a judicial processIn order to complement the information and so that each client chooses his or her legal representation correctly. In that sense we will share with you some tips that you should take into account when choosing your criminal lawyer.

The lawyer must make good use of language and convey confidence.

In order to communicate correctly before a judge or a prosecutor, it is necessary to use the right language. Therefore, recognizing in an interview if your lawyer handles technical language naturally, is clear in his ideas, and if he knows how to truly listen to the other, are fundamental elements.

This will allow your lawyer to build relationships with ease and convey the trust necessary for the understanding of the instance to which you are appealing.

Evaluate years of experience in similar cases

Sometimes, in order to resort to cheaper services, we come across professionals with outstanding legislative knowledge. However, due to lack of practice and previous experience, they still do not fully understand criminal proceedings, resulting in unnecessary delays and setbacks. That is why years of experience will guarantee you to a great extent that you will receive a good service.

To know the qualifications that endorse their specialization in the subject.

Law is very broad and each branch has specific specializations that train professionals to practice law in the country. The best professionals are those who, after finishing university, opt for postgraduate studies, master's degrees or specializations in different areas. This means that those who continue their studies and exercise functions according to the specialty may have more precise strategies at the time of defending a cause.

Success rate in similar cases

This is an important fact to take into account when hiring a criminal lawyer, since, as well as experience and certificates, they endorse the effectiveness of their work. It is important to obtain references on the proper use of language, communication with the judge, positive sentences for the defendant, etc., thus having a good margin of comparison when reviewing the profiles of lawyers before hiring a legal service.

Accessibility and readiness of counsel

Good treatment and cordiality are essential when choosing a criminal lawyer. These traits of direct and close treatment that the legal representative may have should be identified from the first interview. If you feel that the lawyer is interested in your situation, listens to you and orients you regarding your concerns, it is a good sign and you may consider choosing him/her if you observe that the accessibility is adequate to the value of the investment for the service.

Costs of legal representation services

The budget is fundamental to make the decision to choose a criminal lawyer. If the lawyer quotes the service based on the matter and type of crime, it is a good reference when comparing prices. In that sense, a good criminal lawyer adapts his prices according to the seriousness of the matter and it is something that should be taken into consideration when choosing a service.

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