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The criminal lawyer guides the client through the judicial process.

A good lawyer has special skills to face the mission of defending a citizen or organization before the law. It is essential that this professional always acts under the code of ethics of the profession, with the intention that his practice is developed with integrity.

The management of technical knowledge, the use of tools for communication and negotiation, the mastery of several languages, the use of new information technologies and the integration of teamwork skills are part of the company's core competencies. skills acquired by a good lawyer.

The criminal lawyer in the judicial process

However, the judicial process that involves testifying before a court, defending arguments and presenting evidence in order to be exonerated or to reduce a penalty is the field of a criminal lawyer. Although all legal professionals are trained to guide in the judicial process, the specialty of the criminal lawyer is to act on the penalty being his main mission to prepare and carry out a defense or prosecution strategy, tending to demonstrate the veracity of the evidence presented in favor of his client.

For this reason, the criminal lawyer must have a deep knowledge of the laws and specifically of the criminal code of the country where he operates. Basically, he/she is in charge of working on cases of crimes against life and integrity of persons, crimes against patrimony, economic crimes, crimes against the administration and public security, labor crimes, sexual crimes, crimes against public health and computer crimes.

In order to successfully carry out the criminal action, the professional must take into consideration the following aspects:

  1. Constant and adequate training for criminal action. In addition to pursuing formal studies in the area, the criminal lawyer must also be involved in attending trials to hone his or her skills, as well as monitoring various criminal cases through the media and legal news. The experiences of other lawyers in the criminal area provide valuable knowledge for one's own practice.
  2. Permanent dedication to the case. While it is true that lawyers must maintain constant communication with their clients and attend to all the situations that the case presents, the criminal lawyer must pay special attention to this task because he must even advise his client in the behavior and presentation of pleadings in the judicial process. All information obtained is one more gain for the chaos.
  3. Personalized attention and comprehensive advice. In general, cases handled by criminal lawyers require the analysis of a great deal of information, as well as the handling of confidential data. Therefore, this professional provides comprehensive and personalized advice to his clients.
  4. Distance from the case and reliability. Cases handled by criminal defense attorneys often involve confidential information that must be kept confidential by the parties involved and the legal professional. In the face of all the circumstances that may occur during the judicial process, the criminal lawyer must act in a professional manner without getting personally involved, but at the same time being a trustworthy person for his defendant by fully complying with the law.
  5. Responsibility first and foremost.  Many court cases present risks and difficulties for the lawyer and his client. The criminal lawyer must always act responsibly to avoid new conflicts between the parties and delay compliance with the law. The ability to innovate is a fundamental tool for the professional in this area, because through creativity it is possible to find new and integral solutions to legal problems.
  6. Responsiveness and decisiveness. The elements in a legal process can constantly change and involve new factors in the game. Faced with any new scenario, the criminal lawyer must know how to react in favor of the process he undertakes with his client. In that sense, it is necessary for the professional to be in constant review of the different aspects of the procedure.

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