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Areas of law affecting small and medium-sized companies

At the moment of formalizing the incorporation of a company, it is necessary to be very clear which are the regularizations that concern each type of business. That is why it is necessary to identify beforehand which are the branches of law that directly affect the business in order to find the legal advice that best suits the needs of each company. In that sense, in this article we will explain which are the branches of law that affect small and medium-sized companies.

Corporate Law

This specialization aims to regulate the operation of companies to align them with the national and international laws of each industry. Its objective is to strengthen the services of the companies so that they can be quickly incorporated into the commercial activities that concern them.

As for small and medium-sized companies, they should seek the advice of lawyers who are proficient in this area of law. It is likely that the owners of the company do not have time to familiarize themselves with the procedures of these laws. So an experienced advisor will optimize the time and properly regulate the company within the national and international territory.

Commercial Law

This is the branch of law dedicated to the regulation of commercial procedures. It is applied in processes of purchase and sale of merchandise, franchises, and all those processes that have legal-mercantile relations that affect a company.

In this case, it is important for small and medium-sized companies to be very clear about the legal framework governing their activities. To avoid future risks and conflicts inherent to the relationship with suppliers and other companies that have an impact on the operation of the business. In addition, the mastery of legal and commercial processes promotes the confidence of future investors as the quality of the administrative processes in the company is evident.

Labor Law

It is the one that governs the principles and legal norms that aim to regulate the relationship between workers and employers. It aims to ensure the full development of people in relation to their workplaces. It is therefore important that small and medium-sized companies align themselves with these laws to ensure healthy and proactive environments.

This is an area that is dedicated to the protection of employees, while establishing the policies used for the drafting of employment contracts and other types of documents. Therefore, it is essential to have a good lawyer who establishes the labor regulations and who can structure the employer's obligations in a clear and concise manner.

Intellectual property laws

Intellectual property is related to creations and inventions of the mind, whether symbolic or material. Legislation protects these inventions through patents, copyrights and trademarks, so it is necessary to establish the scope of the company in this regard.

Many times employers do not take this aspect into account, so they are involved in lawsuits for the use of images or other types of input without the consent of the creator. These situations can be prevented by means of clauses in contracts or other legal resources. There, the conditions of invention and use of images by the company can be established, without affecting the integrity of the company.

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