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How does the National Anticorruption Police work in Venezuela?

In Venezuela there are 147 preventive police forces, plus certain investigative bodies distributed throughout the country. Even since 2014, it was decreed a new police body that depends on the Presidency of the Republic called the National Anti-Corruption Police, which has become more popular every day in the Venezuelan environment. So in this article we will talk about the creation of the National Anti-Corruption Police of Venezuela, and how it is organized.

When was the National Police Against Corruption (PNCC) created?

This police force was created by means of the Decree with Rank, Value and Force of National Anti-Corruption Corps Act No. 1,444, via an Enabling Law by the President. This law established the mission, organizational structure, offices, among other measures necessary for its operation in the Venezuelan territory.

This law was published in the Official Gazette No. 6,156 extraordinary of November 19, 2014 and establishes the jurisdiction of this police force, as a broad territorial deployment, where it will have competence to perform its functions in all areas that have relation with public instances, popular power and the private sector, as well as with all natural and legal persons.

What is the objective of the National Anti-Corruption Police?

The objective of this police force is to plan and execute preventive, investigative and operational actions against corruption in order to prevent, combat, prosecute and punish this crime.

This organization has operational, administrative and financial autonomy under the terms of its creation instrument. The Strategic Center for the Security and Protection of the Homeland is in charge of selecting its members, which are approved by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

What is the regulatory body for this police force?

Article 2 of the present Law establishes that this police force is hierarchically dependent on the President of Venezuela. And the presidential office will function as the governing body, in charge of executing the public policies of the State against this criminal phenomenon.

At the same time, Article 6 establishes that the agency is formed by the National Superintendence against Corruption, the National Anticorruption Intendancy and the National Police against Corruption as the last instance within the structure. But it functions as the main actor in the prevention, investigation and neutralization of crimes derived from and related to organized crime within public and private organizations.

How did the Venezuelan National Anti-Corruption Police become visible?

It is no secret that many Latin American countries experience the harmful impact of corruption on a daily basis. Thus, in the absence of control systems and regulators specialized in white-collar crimes, it was necessary to create a police force to deal with this phenomenon in Venezuela. It is for this reason that through the use of forces and resources, with strict adherence to fundamental human rights, the investigation and capture of former officials of public institutions such as PDVSA has become evident.

Therefore, in view of this scourge derived from the manipulation of data, detour of resources, bribery, extortion, fraud, among others. It became evident the operation of this police force as of March 2023, for its work in conjunction with the National Office against Organized Crime and Financing of Terrorism. In addition to providing investigations and other types of data to the Public Prosecutor's Office, for the due prosecution of those involved.


This is an independent police agency created under presidential decree in 2014, but its operations have gained relevance as of 2023. Thanks to the operational activities that have been carried out in investigations to Venezuelan public corporations, such as PDVSA, CVG, among others. Therefore, in their practices of integral defense of the Nation, they are obliged to provide data to the agencies that govern it, as well as to the Public Prosecutor's Office.

At the same time it is a body that functions as an autonomous entity, which has the duty to promote peace through the creation of new elements capable of ensuring security and the prosecution of criminal groups operating under this phenomenon.

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