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The best options for master's degrees and specializations in law in 2020-2021

In both the United States and Europe, following the pandemic, specialization options have been scheduled for legal professionals around the world.

Plans changed. This is a reality that can be read in times of pandemic, even though in some countries normality is slowly emerging. Many of those who had planned activities of various kinds, including academic ones, had to reschedule or wait for better times to start them.

Now that the reality is clearer in some latitudes of the planetIn the year 2020 - 2021, opportunities to study masters and specializations in the area of law have been resumed, with a view to the upcoming arrival of the new year. There are already options to register and deepen in master's degree and specialization areas of studyThe program is aimed at those who have already obtained a law degree.

Specializing in law is a key that opens new professional doors.This knowledge is a tool to compete with greater certainty in the labor market and multiply the possibilities of boosting one's professional career. The decision to pursue a master's degree in law abroad broadens the range of career options, depending on one's interests and skills.

Master's degrees and specializations in Law for 2020-2021

Below we made a selection of Master's and LL.M. study opportunities in the United States and Europe, taking into account the situation that currently plagues the world. This is the result:

In the United States:

  1. Master of Laws degree from University of Southern California USC Gould School of LawThe course focuses on the U.S. legal system and is aimed at internationally trained lawyers, judges, prosecutors, corporate counsel and bankers.
  2. Master's Degree in International Commercial and Economic Law from the University of Southern California USC Gould School of Law: focuses on understanding the laws and policies of international trade. It emphasizes global regulatory policy and international business transactions and is intended for internationally trained lawyers, judges, prosecutors, corporate counsel and bankers.
  3. Master's Degree in Regulatory Sciences from Johns Hopkins University: It focuses on regulatory approval processes for global and domestic biotechnology products. The master's degree is designed for students to research, evaluate and present legally defensible case studies from a variety of perspectives on advanced regulatory issues.
  4. Introduction to International Criminal Law course at Case Western Reserve University: Studies the fundamentals of international criminal law and policy. Explores the situations of international crimes such as genocide, war crimes, terrorism and piracy.
  5. Master's Degree in Labor Law from Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law: It is focused on training students in all legal procedures that guarantee equal employment for all people.
  6. Master's Degree in Intellectual Property from UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law: It is the number 5 intellectual property program in the United States and students obtain the most comprehensive patent curriculum and practice in the United States.
  7. Yale University's Moral Foundations of Politics course: The main political theories of the enlightenment are studied: utilitarianism, Marxism and the social contract tradition. It is focused on exploring a look at the classical formulations by locating them in the historical context and current debates in the world of politics.

In Europe: 

  1. Master's Degree in Intellectual Property and New Technologies Law at UNIR (Spain): This is an official master's degree given by the International University of La Rioja, 100% online, which allows you to specialize in new fields of growth worldwide, such as Industrial or Intellectual Property or the Law of new technologies such as data protection, electronic signatures, among others. It should be noted that beyond being a virtual master 100%, the exams must be taken in one of its offices located around the world.
  2. Master's Degree in Criminal Law from the University of Salamanca (Spain): It offers the necessary tools for professionals in criminal law to provide answers and solutions to the most important conflicts of society such as corruption, terrorism, organized crime, among others, taking into account the legal framework of the rule of law. In addition, it focuses on the acquisition of skills for the interpretation of legal norms.
  3. Master's Degree in Financial Crime Law and Compliance from the University of Law Online Postgraduate (UK): It focuses on the development of skills and knowledge in the field of law related to the financial area.
  4. Official Master's Degree in International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights and Operational Law from the University of Nebrija (Spain): It provides general and legal knowledge on multiculturalism, globalization, citizenship, human rights, international humanitarian law, operational law, international law of armed conflict, international order and the creation of international criminal tribunals. It focuses on providing skills and criteria to practice law in an ethical and efficient manner in these areas.
  5. Master in International and Transnational Criminal Law at UNIR (Spain): It is an official 100% online master's degree that provides knowledge of the international criminal system, criminal types and transnational cooperation structures currently in place.
  6. Double Master's Degree in Law and Business Law at IE Law School (Spain): It provides practical training to deepen in the areas required by today's business legal counsel.
  7. Master in Economic Analysis of Law at the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset (Spain): A methodology applicable to problems of a legal or institutional nature and economic principles is used, based on the efficiency of the rules and contracts of the organizations.

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