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Academic initiatives to improve access to the law

There are strategies that not only solve an immediate problem, but also have the ability to continue to generate countless benefits, many of which may not even be noticed when they are implemented.

Such is the case of the initiative born at Brigham Young University School of the United States. In this academic space, they evidenced the restricted access to legal defense of a large number of citizens, especially in cases of debt collection and evictions, where only 1% and 2% respectively of the accused effectively exercise the right to a legitimate defense.

As a result of these problems, a legal laboratory was created which designs a program to address the needs of litigants who represent themselves in court. The LawX Lab's advocacy is right in creating legal products that offer relevant solutions to citizens' limitations in accessing the law in the United States.

Before the end of the year, a group of second and third year law students from the American law school will be the architects of the first LawX legal "experiment". From that moment on, they will have the responsibility of developing special skills to solve a different challenge around the issue of access to the law. This space will allow future lawyers to acquire professional skills necessary to face the future of legal practice.

The plan is to design a strategy to be followed to solve the specific legal problem. The students will then proceed to implement what has been agreed upon and evaluate the results obtained. Once the planning is done, the students will proceed to implement what has been agreed upon and then evaluate the results obtained, to compare the effectiveness of the idea and, if possible, propose the construction of a new legal product.

In parallel, law students grow as professionals and citizens, with limited economic income, can obtain new possibilities to be legally represented. Finally, a relationship of gain and development is interwoven for both actors. In the same way, the participating universities have the opportunity to reinvent themselves and adapt to the social dynamics where they are inserted, attending to the call of being an academic space for the formation of quality human talent to offer answers to the problems of the citizens.

Access to the law: A training laboratory

The mission of the legal laboratories registered in the faculties of law of the law schools is to train human talent with high capacities for the design of legal practice centered on the human experience.

The intention is from the heat of knowledge and academic experience to develop new models of legal services easily accessible to most people. This implies the creation of legal products based on the needs of citizens, and that contribute to making intelligent and correct decisions.

These spaces also allow interaction as a work team, facilitating these skills in the participants from the beginning of their professional experience.

Benefits of acquiring professional skills from the academic space

  • Increase your job skills when it comes to solving problems concerning the professional area in which you work. If you have not opened your Linkedin profile to show your capabilities as a lawyer, here are some recommendations.
  • Even if they are not academic studies The fourth level allows you to begin to specialize -in practice- in a particular area of law.
  • Enlarge before leaving the salons your circle of professional contacts, which will translate into new job opportunities to explore.
  • Allows to obtain a minimum work experience to highlight on your resume once you opt for other career horizons.

Sources consulted