1. Who processes your personal data?

VENFORT Abogados S.L., (or "VENFORT") identified with the N.I.F B56172588, telephone (+34)614335889, with e-mail address and whose registered office is located at Paseo La Castellana nro. 93, Planta 2, ofi 242, CP 28046, Madrid, Spain is the "Responsible for the processing" of your Personal Data collected and processed through this website or at our headquarters in order to provide you with advice tailored to your needs.

The term "VENFORT" used in this policy refers to VENFORT Abogados S.L. In accordance with the applicable regulations on personal data protection, VENFORT Abogados S.L. is the "Data Controller".

When you communicate Personal Data to us or when we collect Personal Data about you, we undertake to use it in accordance with this Policy.

What personal information do we collect about you?

As a legal service provider we collect and process various categories of personal data in connection with this website and at our offices to provide our services to you.

By personal data, we mean not only data that directly identifies you, but also data that indirectly identifies you.

We collect most of your personal data directly from you, through the relevant sections and forms on our website, but we may receive data from third parties, provided that these third parties have the appropriate authorization to provide their data to VENFORT.

3. For what purposes do we process your personal data?

We collect and process your personal data for various purposes and on the following bases of legitimacy:

Purpose of treatment

Legal basis for processing

Responding to queries or requests. Provision of legal advice and, where appropriate, advice and filing of the corresponding judicial and extrajudicial actions.

Their processing is necessary for the performance of the contract drawn up between the data subject and VENFORT.

The interested party may be contacted through the contact information provided by the various means available to provide information or advice.

Prevention of Money Laundering. Compliance with legal obligations

The processing is necessary for compliance with the legal obligations applicable to VENFORT, in accordance with Law 10/2010 on the Prevention of Money Laundering and other applicable regulations. Except for the exceptions referred to in the legal framework, that in attention to the professional secrecy in cases where legal advice is provided in connection with ongoing litigation or legal matters.

Sending communications and publications related to or produced by our Firm.

Legitimate interest. Provided that the data subject gives his consent and does not object to it.

Sensitive or criminal data

VENFORT may collect sensitive data relating to criminal records or offenses or other sensitive data for the sole purpose of facilitating your legal representation and the defense of your interests.

Academic and professional data

In case of sending academic and/or professional information with the purpose of participating in hiring processes.

VENFORT does not make profiles with the data collected and no automated decisions are made.

4. Who are the recipients of your personal data?

If necessary, your personal data may be communicated to our employees, to our IT service providers.

In your case, and in order to provide you with our services, international data transfers may be made to countries that do not have an adequacy decision by the European Commission or that do not provide an adequate level of protection of personal data (Venezuela). In these cases, adequate protection measures have been implemented to protect your personal data in accordance with data protection regulations.

5. How long do we keep your personal data?

Your personal data are processed for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected. Once these data are no longer necessary, they will be kept properly blocked, up to a maximum of 5 years, to comply with the corresponding legal obligations such as the response to claims or requests for information from the competent authorities.

6. What rights can you exercise in relation to the processing of your Personal Data?

According to the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data, everyone has the right to obtain information about whether or not VENFORT processes personal data concerning him or her, and may apply the following rights:

  • Right of access, rectification and suppressionAny data subject has the right to access his/her personal data, as well as the right to request its rectification, in case the data is inaccurate, or its deletion when such data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • Right of limitationWhere appropriate, the data subjects may request the limitation of the processing of their personal data. In this case, personal data will be kept only for the defense of claims or in case of requests for information from the competent authorities.
  • Right of oppositionIn certain circumstances, and in particular cases, data subjects may object to the processing of their data. In this case, VENFORT will stop processing personal data, except for compelling reasons, for the defense of possible claims or for information requests from the competent authorities.
  • Right to data portabilityIf necessary, data subjects may request the portability of their data.
  • Any data subject may revoke his or her consent to the processing of his or her personal data at any time or for specific purposes. In case of use of your personal data for promotional purposes, your consent will be requested and may be withdrawn at any time.
  • Any data subject may withdraw his or her consent to the processing of personal data based on his or her consent.

If necessary, you may submit a complaint to the competent supervisory authority (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos) at the address C/ Jorge Juan 6, 28001 Madrid, Spain, or on its website at

These rights may be exercised by sending a communication to the following e-mail address contacto@VENFORT.comor by written communication to VENFORT at the address Paseo La Castellana nro. 93, Planta 2, 28046 Madrid, Spain. Such communication must be duly signed, accompanied by a photocopy of the ID card, in order to verify the identity of the person concerned, and a physical or email address to which you want us to send the response.

7. Use of Cookies

Through its website, VENFORT uses cookies for the purpose of offering specific services and functionalities, as well as to assist users in improving their online experience while using the service. For additional details, we invite you to refer to our Cookies Policy.

8. External links on our websites and their treatment.

On this site you will find several links to the websites of our partners. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that this Privacy Policy does not apply to the processing of your Personal Data by our partners or other third parties, which may occur when you visit their websites, and that we are not responsible for the processing of such data. For information on how these partners and third parties process your Personal Data, we invite you to consult their Privacy Policies.

9. Changes to this Privacy Policy

VENFORT reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy, so we recommend that you review this Privacy Policy periodically to inform yourself of how your personal data is treated and protected.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on August 08, 2023.


This privacy policy is adapted to the Spanish and European regulations in force regarding the protection of personal data on the Internet. Specifically, it respects the following rules:

  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR).
  • Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, 2018, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPD-GDD).
  • Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, 2007, approving the Regulations for the development of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, 1999, on the Protection of Personal Data (RDLOPD).
  • Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE).

In accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, consent is requested for your personal data to be included in an automated file duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, which is owned by VENFORT ABOGADOS S.L. in order that your data is used to proceed with the selection of lawyers, as well as in relation to the management of the use of the web, newsletter registration or publications.

Likewise, VENFORT ABOGADOS S.L adopts the necessary measures to ensure the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

Consequently, the information received by VENFORT ABOGADOSS.L from users of the website through the sending of curriculum vitae forms is treated with the utmost confidentiality in order to proceed with the selection of candidates. The information received is not used for any other purpose. These data will only be transferred to comply with the above purpose.

The user may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 by sending a request to the following e-mail address or by mail addressed to Paseo La Castellana, nº 93, Planta 2, 28048, Madrid. The request must indicate the name and surname of the user, address for the purpose of notifications, photocopy of the Identity Card or passport and indication of the right being exercised.

The user declares that all data provided by him/her are true and correct, and undertakes to keep them updated, communicating any changes to 


The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform the User about the use that VENFORT ABOGADOSS.L will make of the personal data of each User who accesses the website.


VENFORT ABOGADOSS.L with N.I.F.B56172588 is responsible for the treatment of the personal data provided by the User through the website, and its contact details are as follows:

Address: Paseo La Castellana, nº 93, Planta 2, 28046 Madrid, Spain.

Contact email: .


The data will not be communicated to any third party outside VENFORT ABOGADOS S.L unless legally required.

As data processors, we have contracted the following service providers, having committed to comply with the applicable data protection regulations at the time of contracting:

  • ____venfort_abogados_session, Validity 1 hour, Session Cookie.
  • XSRF-TOKEN, valid for 1 hour, Session Cookie.


The personal data of the Users that are collected and processed on this website are the following:

  • IP address, Cookies and the like. However, it is not possible to ascertain the identity of the User, unless the User provides additional information to the Company through other means.
  • In the event that the User subscribes to the Company's newsletters and/or publications, the data collected and processed will be the identification data necessary to send them the content to which they have subscribed.


The personal data provided will be kept as long as the relationship is maintained or their deletion is not requested and for the period of time for which legal responsibilities may arise for the services provided.


The personal data of users are collected in order to manage the use of the website, registration for newsletters or publications, and when permitted by law, for the recurrent sending of legal information. As well as to initiate the selection process of candidates who share their information with VENFORT ABOGADOS S.L.

We remind you that you may object to the sending of communications by any means and at any time by sending an e-mail to the address indicated above.

The fields of these records are mandatory, being impossible to perform the purposes expressed if these data are not provided.


The legitimacy for the processing of the User's personal data is the need to allow the connection with the website through the Internet, being the legitimate interest of VENFORT ABOGADOS S.L. to maintain the existing relationship with the User and the sending of legal information and activities of the Company.

The data processing is carried out on the following legal bases that legitimize it:

  1. The request for information and/or the contracting of the services of VENFORT ABOGADOS S.L. whose terms and conditions will be made available to you in any case, prior to any eventual contracting.
  2. Free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent, insofar as we inform you by making this privacy policy available to you, which, after reading it, if you agree, you can accept by means of a statement or a clear affirmative action, such as checking a box provided for this purpose.

In the case of subscription to publications, newsletters or request by the Users of certain services or information, the legitimacy will be the consent provided by the User. In this sense, such sending of information may be maintained until the User does not expressly object to receive the same by any means.

In case you do not provide us with your data or you do it in an erroneous or incomplete way, we will not be able to attend your request, making it impossible to provide you with the requested information or to carry out the contracting of the services.

The collection and processing of the User's data is made possible as long as the relationship between the Firm and the User remains in force and, if applicable, the User does not revoke the consent he/she has given to the processing of his/her data.

In the event that the personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, and provided that there are legal or contractual responsibilities that require its retention, its conservation will be blocked until its definitive cancellation.


User data may not be disclosed to third parties, unless it is necessary to manage and maintain the relationship with VENFORT ABOGADOS S.L. or with your prior authorization. Third parties will only be provided access to personal data in the event that the Firm is contractually or legally obliged to provide them.

In the case of users with whom there is a previous contractual relationship, VENFORT ABOGADOS S.L. is authorized to send communications regarding the services that were initially contracted with the client.

In any case, the user, after proving his or her identity, may request that no further information be sent to him or her by such means.


VENFORT ABOGADOS S.L. undertakes to adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures, according to the level of security appropriate to the risk of the data collected, so as to ensure the security of personal data and prevent the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss or alteration of personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed, or unauthorized communication or access to such data.

However, because VENFORT ABOGADOS S.L. cannot guarantee the impregnability of the Internet or the total absence of hackers or others who fraudulently access personal data, the Data Controller undertakes to inform the User without undue delay when a breach of security of personal data occurs that is likely to involve a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. Following the provisions of Article 4 of the GDPR, a breach of security of personal data means any breach of security resulting in the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss or alteration of personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed, or the unauthorized communication of or access to such data.

Personal data will be treated as confidential by the Data Controller, who undertakes to inform and to ensure by means of a legal or contractual obligation that such confidentiality is respected by its employees, associates, and any person to whom it makes the information accessible.


Users are informed that they have the right to exercise, at any time and under the terms established by current legislation, the following rights:

  1. of access: This is the User's right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not your personal data is being processed and, if so, to obtain information about your specific personal data and the processing that has been or is being carried out, as well as, among other things, the information available on the origin of such data and the recipients of the communications made or planned thereof. to your personal data that are being processed.
  2. of rectification or deletion of data: This is the User's right, provided that the legislation in force does not establish otherwise, to obtain the deletion of his/her personal data when these are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed; the User has withdrawn his/her consent to the processing and this has no other legal basis; the User objects to the processing and there is no other legitimate reason to continue the processing; the personal data have been processed unlawfully; the personal data must be deleted in compliance with a legal obligation; or the personal data have been obtained as a result of a direct offer of information society services to a minor under 14 years of age.In addition to deleting the data, the Controller, taking into account the technology available and the cost of its implementation, shall take reasonable steps to inform controllers who are processing the personal data of the data subject's request for the deletion of any link to such personal data.
  3. to the limitation of processing: This is the User's right to limit the processing of his/her personal data. The User has the right to obtain the limitation of processing when he/she contests the accuracy of his/her personal data; the processing is unlawful; the Controller no longer needs the personal data, but the User needs it to make claims; and when the User has objected to the processing.
  4. to request the portability of his/her data. In case the processing is carried out by automated means, the User shall have the right to receive from the Controller his/her personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit them to another data controller. Whenever technically feasible, the Controller shall transmit the data directly to such other controller.
  5. of opposition: It is the right of the user not to carry out the processing of their personal data or cease the processing of these by VENFORT ABOGADOS S.L.
  6. not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling: This is the User's right not to be subject to an individualized decision based solely on automated processing of his or her personal data, including profiling, unless otherwise provided for by applicable law.

These rights may be exercised free of charge by writing to Paseo La Castellana, nº 93, Planta 2, 28048, Madrid or to the following e-mail address indicating expressly and clearly the right you wish to exercise. Specifying:

  • Name, surname of the User and copy of the ID card. In cases where representation is admitted, it will also be necessary the identification by the same means of the person representing the User, as well as the document proving the representation. The photocopy of the DNI may be substituted by any other means valid in law that proves the identity.
  • Request with the specific reasons for the request or information to be accessed.
  • Address for notification purposes.
  • Address for notification purposes.
  • Date and signature of the applicant.
  • Any document that accredits the request you are making.

In the event that the User considers that there is a problem or infringement of the regulations in force in the way in which his/her personal data is being processed, he/she shall have the right to effective judicial protection and to file a complaint before a supervisory authority, in particular, in the State in which he/she has his/her habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement. In the case of Spain, the supervisory authority is the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (Spanish Data Protection Agency (


It is necessary that the User has read and agrees with the conditions on the protection of personal data contained in this Privacy Policy, as well as that he/she accepts the processing of his/her personal data so that the Data Controller can proceed in the manner, during the periods and for the purposes indicated. The use of the Website will imply the acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

VENFORT ABOGADOS S.L reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy, according to its own criteria, or motivated by a legislative, jurisprudential or doctrinal change of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Changes or updates to this Privacy Policy will be explicitly notified to the User.

This Privacy Policy was updated on March 23, 2023 to adapt to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR) and to Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, 2018, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPD).


VENFORT ABOGADOS S.L is the owner of all copyrights, intellectual and industrial property rights, "know how" and any other rights related to the contents of the Web Site. and the services offered therein, as well as the programs necessary for its implementation and related information (including but not limited to images, sound, audio, video, or text, color combinations, structure and design, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.). They are, therefore, works protected as intellectual property by the Spanish legal system, being applicable to them both the Spanish and Community regulations in this field, as well as the international treaties related to the matter and signed by Spain.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, publication and public communication, including making available, of all or part of the contents of this website is expressly prohibited: without prior written consent.

In the event that the User or third party considers that any of the Contents of the Web Site involves a violation of the rights of protection of intellectual property, he/she must immediately communicate it through the contact details included in the LEGAL NOTICE.

Confidentiality, Accountability and Effectiveness