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Seven Instagram accounts to follow if you are a lawyer

The impact of the social networks is indisputable. Online stores, service providers, universities, international organizations and all those who have realized the influx in digital channels, have chosen to build their space in them. One of the great lessons learned from the pandemic has been the value of networks to inform, accompany and entertain while communications have to take place at a distance. 

The legal services have also taken advantage of these tools to be therewhere most of the conversations take place at this time of the year. In this regard, in Alan Aldana & Abogados we recently opened our Instagram account, with the intention of being closer to you and support from that space the publication of reliable information on national and international legal issues. Also, through @aldanayabogados We also attend to any inquiry about legal advice and legal aspects in general.

Instagram accounts to follow if you are a lawyer

When logging into Instagram we asked ourselves the question. What are the most valuable accounts for a lawyer in this network? We answered it and here we show the seven indispensable accounts to keep updated in the legal field and in the way in which law firms and bar associations manage social networks:

1- Cliffor Chance US @cliffordchancecareers:

Account of the firm dedicated to Corporate, Financial and Tax Law. Also specializes in Litigation and Technology. It provides useful facts and figures on labor practice, announces labor training events, showcases the firm's team, and generally displays a reliable and fresh visual. This is a good example of how to manage these channels for a law firm.

2- California Bar Association @calawyersorg:

Account of this association that gathers information of interest to lawyers in the state of California in the United States about events, trainings and legal issues that are relevant in California. It is a good reference on how to share information of interest to the guild in a specific location.

3- Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal @marvalofarrell:

Account of the Argentine law firm Marval O'Farrell Mairal, specialized in Banking, Administrative, Criminal, Corporate, Labor, International Trade, Anti-Corruption and Intellectual Property Law. It offers information on academic and labor events in the region and relevant data for the lawyer's work performance. It is a good example to observe the corporate view of a law firm and obtain valuable information.

4- Ecija @ecija_law:

Account of the Spanish law firm Ecija, specialized in Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law. It offers information about events in which they will participate, probono cases and a view of the meetings and the inside of the firm. It is a good example of management of these networks with a good graphic visual and the publication of relevant content about services and data for clients and lawyers.

5- General Council of the Spanish Legal Profession @abogacia_es:

Account of the representative body of the Spanish Bar Associations. It offers information of interest and value for the training and performance of Spanish lawyers. It is a good example of an account with informative publications of value for lawyers in a country.

6- Centro Empresarial de Conciliación y Arbitraje CEDCA (Business Conciliation and Arbitration Center) @cedcaorg:

CEDCA is a non-profit civil association dedicated to the promotion of alternative means of conflict resolution (arbitration or conciliation). CEDCA ensures an efficient, expeditious and cost competitive procedure in relation to other means of conflict resolution. They have more than 120 professionals with recognized training and experience in the resolution of major conflicts.

7- UN @onuderhumanrights:

Official account of the United Nations Human Rights Organization. It offers interesting and updated information on the measures taken in relation to the fundamental guarantees in the world. It also publishes news and current data related to these rights.