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Present at the UCAB Law Congress 2019

Last April 8 and 9 we had the pleasure of attending the UCAB Law Congress. The event was held at the Law School of the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in the city of Caracas.

UCAB Law Congress

The Congress, organized by the UCAB Law Students Center, is an event that provides an opportunity to bring the academy closer to the most prestigious law firms in Caracas.

The objective of the activity is to seek academic updating and to offer a tool to access the labor market in the world of law.

In the 2019 edition of the UCAB Law Congress, the fundamental pillars to be developed in the two days of work are:

  1. Organizational structures of legal desks.
  2. Judicial career.
  3. Legal research institutes.
  4. Public authorities.

In addition to the academic activities of the Congress, a "Legal Fair" was held where students were able to submit their CVs and interact directly with the law firms participating in the event.

Our participation

Alan Aldana & Abogados had the pleasure of attending the congress, to discuss two very relevant topics:

From Alan Aldana & Abogados, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the recognition received for our participation and we would like to reiterate our gratitude to the UCAB Student Center our full support for future academic activities.

Bianca Marán on behalf of the Firm receives UCAB Student Center Recognition
Bianca Marán at the recognition reception.
UCAB Student Center Recognition