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Ethics and good governance were valuable themes during 2018

In 2018 we focus our efforts to offer, from this space, quality information for the professional development of the Venezuelan lawyer. Technological changes and the continuous growth of law as a practice in the global arena impose new challenges to be faced and that modify, directly or indirectly, the professional practice. These aspects were relevant during the past year and in that sense, cybersecurity and time management in a law firm were among the most read topics in our legal blog.

In the same way, professional ethical behavior and the International Jurisdiction have been areas of interest to readers. Undoubtedly, in all professions, integrity and ethics are fundamental pillars for the proper practice of law. However, in law these values have a special weight, if we take into account that the lawyer is in charge of defending and administering justice.

From the firm we are convinced that honesty and value formation are key to develop as a lawyer. Therefore, we share our knowledge and experience, hoping that in every word there is an opportunity to continue growing. Here we present a summary with the seven most visited posts of the blog during 2018.

1. The ethical path of the Venezuelan lawyer. General considerations

Professional morale shows the path to be followed by any person trained in a given area.. To give legal and ethical compliance to its action in working life. The study of the moral duties of a professional is called deontology. In Venezuela the Code of Professional Ethics of the Venezuelan Lawyer is mandatory for all those who have the academic capabilities to practice the profession.

Probity, honesty, discretion, efficiency, unselfishness, truthfulness, and loyalty. are fundamental requirements for professional performance. Likewise, it is stipulated that the lawyer must maintain his independence in his professional performance by not accepting any suggestion from his client or sponsored party to harm his integrity and professional dignity.

2. Humanitarian crisis, what does it mean?

According to the United Nations, a humanitarian crisis is related to emergency situations.The humanitarian crisis is the result of disasters, whether due to natural events - earthquakes, floods and storms - or those resulting from high-intensity armed conflicts that endanger the lives of a considerable number of people. Under international law, all persons suffering from a humanitarian crisis in their region must be provided with the assistance and protection necessary for their well-being. Regardless of their identity or how they have been involved in the conflict.

3. Prepare for your first successful interview at a law firm.

The first step to a successful law firm interview starts before the face-to-face presentation. The resume provides valuable information about your experience and capabilities, so it should be honestly written and attractively designed. It is important that these sheets of paper directly reflect your core competencies.

Likewise, remember to keep updated your Linkedin profile. Your future employers may check this digital channel to learn a little more about your performance and professional interests.

4. A petition to the Inter-American Commission: how to enforce human rights?

Knowing how to use the available legal tools greatly facilitates timely access to justice.. The Inter-American Human Rights System is a guarantor of human rights in the American continent, so a thorough knowledge of its competence is very useful.

This system was born after the difficult experience of mankind in the various conflicts of war..Where fundamental guarantees have been systematically and profoundly violated. Its intention is to promote the regional protection of human rights under all circumstances. To this end, it takes action through the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR Court).

5. Time management in law firms

Making every minute of time efficient requires concentration and planning to optimize its use.. When working in a law firm, time has a special value, so using it in the most productive way guarantees a better performance that will translate into multiple benefits not only for the firm, but also for the clients.

Changes in the professional sphere and in all spheres of life are driving profound transformations even in the way time is managed, and to face any limitation that prevents the efficient use of this finite resource, it is necessary to stay focused on the objectives and goals to be achieved. Only in this way will it be easier to prioritize in the face of a long list of pending matters in a law firm.

6. Third parties cover costs of arbitration: advantages and disadvantages for justice

In recent years, solutions have emerged to address these limitations.. Through third party financing called litigation funds. This practice has become widespread in the United States and some European countries such as England, Germany and more recently Spain.

Faced with the need for justice felt in international jurisdiction cases, the injection of resources to cover legal expenses is, above all and in the first instance, a support for access to justice. These litigation funds are specifically investment groups specialized in providing financing for various legal processes, especially in cases of international arbitration and commercial disputes.

7. The European Union is committed to achieving a uniform level of security in cybersecurity.

The intention of compliance with the Data Protection Regulation is to standardize the level of security of networks and information systems in the EU. Through these measures, each State will develop capabilities in this area, fostering cooperation and improving the incident notification mechanisms of service operators and providers.

It applies to any company or individual offering goods or services to any EU citizen, regardless of where the company or individual is located. It also applies to those who monitor online behavior in the case of actions carried out in the EU.