You are currently viewing 4 consejos para garantizar las regulaciones de privacidad en tu negocio

4 tips to ensure privacy regulations in your business

Currently, there are different types of certifications and compliance programs that ensure the protection of data and privacy of a business and its customers. This has emerged after the establishment of mechanisms such as e-commerce and other types of digital services that collect information about consumers. From the legal aspect, it is the duty of any company to ensure privacy and technical measures for data protection. Therefore, in this article we will give you 4 tips to ensure privacy regulations in your business.

Many countries are adapting to digital trends and have chosen to promote laws for the protection of personal data. This has led platforms and applications to establish their own privacy clauses to comply with these legal frameworks. To achieve this, there are different applicable mechanisms and these are some tips we can share with you to do so.

Implement compliance programs focused on digital data privacy and security.

One of the first things you should do to regulate the privacy of your business is to establish a compliance program that tracks your company's activities. There are different types of programs, so getting advice from a legal team with experience in the area is essential for a successful implementation.

This will allow you to understand the scope of data protection that your company should have, while analyzing and routinely monitoring all areas of the business.

Get to know technically the procedure for sending and receiving data in your company.

Another measure that must be taken to ensure that privacy regulations are being complied with is to have a thorough understanding of the technical process and method of connectivity that the company has to its servers and network. It is that the technical process and method of connectivity that the company has to its servers and network must be known in depth. With this you can understand the scope of the data and how it is structured, while establishing security protocols at each stage of the process.

One of the most common practices in understanding these processes is the encryption of data through connection hardwares.

Applies regulations covering national and international legal jurisdictions

This step is important for business models that offer their services and products online. This requires a lawyer who can research the legal jurisdictions of other countries, while designing a compliance program that accommodates those regulations.

Thus, the implementation of compliance programs focused on the digital environment does not remain outside the legal frameworks of the markets where they participate. That is why by crossing this type of national and international regulations, the company acquires certain confidence before entering other markets. Because the certifications or recognitions that companies can obtain after applying the program, are the ones that allow them to gain confidence in the market.

Regularly implements audits focused on data protection.

One of the measures that should be applied more regularly in companies is the part of the audits. This procedure serves to periodically evaluate the protection of company and customer data. So it works for all types of companies, whether or not they have physical servers in their infrastructures.

In order to perform audits successfully, it is advisable to first detect the amount of data that is shared on the network. In addition to identifying the risks inherent to online activities, some of these risks are hacks to social networks, exposure of personal documents, exposure of confidential agreements and other company documents, cloning of credit card numbers, among others.

Extra tip to ensure privacy regulations in your business

Establish online data processing policies: this will allow the company to structure the data cleansing procedure. Timeframes can be established for audits and other procedures related to regulatory compliance, among others.

If you would like more information or need advice on this and other issues of criminal and commercial law, do not hesitate to contact us at contact us at. We also share with you our social networks so that you can keep updated on the legal topics that are in trend: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter y Linkedin.