You are currently viewing 4 técnicas de litigación penal que puedes aplicar al momento de un caso penal

4 criminal litigation techniques you can apply during a criminal case

Criminal litigation techniques are fundamental tools when it comes to persuading an argument. That is why every good lawyer should know, study and put them into practice in order to establish his or her own style that will be effective when litigating.

Therefore, at Aldana & Abogados we want to share with you 4 techniques that you can apply to improve your argumentative skills during a presentation.

1- Make your case and identify your own weaknesses

It is important that when planning the arguments of the case, we can find the main objective of our argument. Because this is what will allow us to present our ideas in a more organized, precise and vigorous way to convince the court of the truth of the facts.

One of the tips we can recommend is to build a deep theory, and analyze it to detect your own weaknesses. In this way, you will be able to confront the weak points and explain them reasonably to downplay their importance. You will be able to establish phrases and arguments that offer relevant values and ideas during the trial.

2- Develop your communication skills

Effective communication is the key to a good debate at trial. It is important to work on training your communication skills, since it depends on what you want to project at trial. It also helps you to introduce information at the right time, as well as to convey ideas in a coherent, simple and direct way, so that the parties understand it quickly.

In that sense, you must exercise your empathy and active listening, in order to be able to transmit assertive answers when necessary. So, by improving your public speaking skills, together with your negotiation methods, you will be able to improve the arguments and the way in which you express your ideas.

3- Plan your strategy for questioning and cross-examination.

Another litigation technique that you should apply when presenting a case is to plan your cross-examination and cross-examination strategy in advance. In the case of cross-examination, you should avoid leading questions because they are not considered valid. Because they are formulated on the basis of deception and induce the witness to answer in a certain way.

On the other hand, in the case of cross-examinationIt is recommended that the questions be suggestive. This means that they are made with the purpose of evidencing a weakness in the means of proof, so the question does not start from the facts narrated chronologically, but from the susceptible or contradictory subjects in the testimony of the declarant. With the purpose of suggesting to the court that it should neutralize that testimony due to deficiencies related to the theory suggested by the opposing party.

4- Practice your legal writing and non-verbal language.

While the artificial intelligence is a resource that can help us in the drafting of legal texts, it is preferable to constantly practice this type of language so that you can defend your arguments in a proper and truthful way in any instance of the trial. In this way, no matter what the nature of the case you are working on is, if you have a command of the written language you will be able to communicate your ideas clearly and precisely, which is why it is so important to make use of the appropriate terminology in every scenario in which you are representing one of the parties.

In the case of non-verbal language, this is defined as the transmission of messages through physical expressions. In order for a lawyer to master it in the case of litigation, he must be aware of his gestures, hand movements, gaze, posture, among others, but above all, he must have control of his bodily activity, thus emphasizing and supporting his narrative in the most positive way possible.

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