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What is HIPAA Compliance in the healthcare industry?

In order to understand why it is necessary to implement a corporate compliance in the healthcare industry, it is necessary to learn what data protection is. In this industry, companies must implement mechanisms to protect the identity and other data of individuals. So many companies choose to implement certified compliance programs, to be oriented in the due diligence of these mechanisms.

In this article we will talk about one of these compliance programs called HIPAA Compliance, in order to understand how these programs affect the development of industries.

What is data protection?

This concept refers to the methods used to safeguard and control personal information contained in a database. In countries such as the United States, where consumer rights are highly protected, social security numbers and other identification documents are usually protected to prevent extortion, identity fraud, among others.

There is no specific data protection law in Venezuela.Nevertheless, our Constitution contemplates the Right to Privacy and Access to Information. Internationally, there is a more developed legal framework in these competences, for example in Europe there is the European Data Protection Committee and all companies must be subscribed to that organization.

What is HIPAA Compliance in the healthcare industry?

This is a set of standards, regulations and security recommendations called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It works based on the protection of personal medical data in the United States.

It is recommended that online data warehousing companies, call centerIn order to guarantee data protection and integrity of clients, the healthcare industry, insurers, and other companies providing services in the healthcare industry are aligned with these regulations.

How is HIPAA Compliance applied?

To implement a HIPAA Compliance program in an organization you must establish a mixed work team with lawyers and computer and technology security specialists. The idea is that you can secure your digital database and your customers' personal information in accordance with the laws that require it.

The most popular business models where it is necessary to implement this type of program are corporate compliance is in service providers of hostingThe company has also been involved in the development of a new system for the storage of medical information, storage providers, insurance companies, hospital and clinic administrations, and other types of organizations that store medical information in the United States.

What should I consider when applying for HIPAA Compliance or another HIPAA compliance program? compliance in my organization?

These are programs that require annual monitoring, through audits. In the case of managing digital databases, it is advisable to make 3 reviews a year, in addition to the daily monitoring of the company. This allows business units to mitigate their risks in terms of loss or exposure of confidential information.

Therefore, compliance programs such as HIPAA Compliance are security standards that contain specific recommendations and regulations. Whether or not to apply them depends on the legal framework where companies are developing their business activities. But it is advisable to comply with these types of regulations to ensure the confidence of future investors.

To conclude, it is important for each company to implement compliance programs to comply with the legal framework of the industry to which it belongs. In the case of the healthcare industry in the United States, all companies must comply with HIPAA Compliance to mitigate the risks of exposure of confidential information, among others. So it is a positive aspect, adjusting to these programs in order to ensure the quality of services and gain the confidence of future investors.

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