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What is the objective of strategic legal communication?

Nowadays, companies and law firms work together so that the internal communication of a business is assertive and effective. That is why companies seek to give clear answers to their audience by training all members of their organization. In that sense, they seek to prepare them in different aspects such as the management of emotions, body language, effective planning, among others, so that a message can be transmitted clearly, due to the recent popularity of legal strategic communication, today we will explain what its objectives are.

What is strategic legal communication?

Strategic legal communication is the procedure through which legal and business information is exchanged in an assertive manner. This is a resource that must define goals, priorities, limitations, SWOT matrix, audiences, channels and deadlines. So that concrete objectives can be identified and together with the good use of the discursive elements to be able to transmit the mission, vision, values and objectives of the company.

Although communication is a broad concept, by hiring a guidance and training service you will be able to design together the action plan that best suits the industry where you operate. Since the needs of each organization are different, at the same time that their audiences are different, that is why the diagnosis is very important when starting to improve your company. The LexLatin web portal has made an interesting article about the strategic digital communications tailored for law firms.

Objectives of strategic legal communication

Once the opportunities, limitations and audiences have been identified, communication objectives can begin to be drawn up. These objectives can be to generate motivation, loyalty, induce the purchase of goods and services, moderate legal changes, among others. The main idea is to use discursive elements to achieve business goals.

In this sense, the design and planning of communication objectives depend on each model and context of the organization. Therefore, it is necessary to be very honest when making the initial diagnosis, since this will allow us to see the initial reality and establish empathetic objectives that promote the evolution of the business.

Strategies for legal and business communication

  • Language simplification: this strategy seeks to streamline communication processes between two parties. The main objective is to maintain working relationships through simple and effective communication of actions and deadlines to be met.
  • Participation: the objective of this strategy is to bring the members of an organization closer together through dynamics that allow the integration and expression of all participants. This is beneficial for remote work groups or for connecting units within a company, as it ensures that everyone has the same interpretation of the information transmitted.
  • Diversification: this strategy consists of designing shared work panels, cross-functional organizational charts, online information sharing platforms, and any other format that promotes effective communication within the company. Although these are tools that facilitate routine tasks, they avoid bottlenecks or misrepresentation of information. In this sense, surveys or questionnaires can be implemented to show the effectiveness of these systems in order to enhance them every month.
  • Active listening: this is part of the comprehensive training of participants, where the objective is that they can learn to discern the message quickly and effectively. This strategy is very useful in online environments, since once the staff is trained to understand the point of view of others, they can nurture the content that has already been presented.
  • Comprehensive employee training: this strategy consists of implementing practices that can improve diction, body language, spelling, customer service, among others. The main objective of training and improving employees' skills is to generate a positive impact on the corporate image, while generating a harmonious relationship with the target audience.

In this sense, Alan Aldana & Abogados employs strategic legal communication in all of its advisory services as a integral orientation applied to communication. Where a team of experts will help your organization to convey messages clearly and directly. While promoting and executing the resolution of legal processes, conflicts or negotiations.

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