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Legality of abortion remains a controversial issue worldwide

Russia was the first country to legalize abortion in 1920 after recognizing a woman's right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy when there are health risks for the mother and child. In June 2018, the Argentine Chamber of Deputies approved, after more than 20 hours of debate, the bill to decriminalize abortion in case of protection of health and life.

Australia, Asia, some regions of Europe and North America have the most flexible regulatory frameworks. of the planet to treat abortion. In fact, in the Netherlands, the law allows abortions to be performed in specialized health centers licensed for this purpose. In China, an unrestricted abortion law was passed in 1975, which is very popular due to birth control in the Asian country.

In the Americas, some nations have accepted termination of pregnancy under certain conditions. very special circumstances such as rape, non-consensual artificial insemination and the existence of serious health problems of the fetus. These regulations are applicable in Mexico, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Guatemala, Peru and Venezuela.

Only 0.4% of the world's countries prohibit this practice in all cases.. This is the legal scenario for El Salvador, Colombia, Uruguay, Chile, Dominican Republic and Namibia. The issue is currently under debate in several countries. In addition to Argentina, this year Ireland also voted in favor of termination of pregnancy at the mother's request, subject to medical consultation, during the first weeks of gestation.

Case Venezuela

In 2014 and 2017, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child asked Venezuela to review the regulation on abortion in the country.. The request responds to the need to reduce the adolescent mortality rate, one of the highest in the region, as a result of unsafe abortion practices, according to a press release.

The committee urged the nation to expand legal exceptions for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest.The Committee also requested the inclusion of the adolescent's opinion in the process, respecting her decisions regarding the practice. In this regard, it was also requested that the adolescent's opinion be included in the process, respecting her decisions about the practice.

Likewise, the organization invited Venezuela to promote information and orientation campaigns for this age group regarding sexual activity and health, considering that the country has one of the highest statistics of unwanted pregnancies.

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