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Post pandemic: A good time to make Human Rights a priority

In recognition of the 72nd anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights.

From crises there are always lessons to be learned. The covid-19 pandemic showed that in complex and transitional times it is important to give priority to the fulfillment and defense of the fundamental rights of all human beings, those that recognize the intrinsic dignity of each person, under the ideals of freedom, justice and peace. 

The United Nations Organization celebrates the 72nd anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights, with emphasis on on the need to "rebuilding for the better, ensuring that human rights are the foundation for post-pandemic recovery by Covid - 19"The publication on its website on the occasion of December 10, Human Rights Day, reads. 

The text refers to the importance of reaffirming the commitment to preserve these a strong impetus to return to normalcy after the pandemic. In this regard, he states that "we will only achieve our common goals worldwide if we are able to create equal opportunities for all, address the failures exposed by the pandemic, and apply human rights standards to address entrenched, systemic and intergenerational inequalities, exclusion and discrimination.".

When local or global situations occur that affect the dynamics and "normality".The scenario is conducive to committing human rights violations. For this reason, many international institutions dedicated to this task, including the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, have made great efforts to call attention to this issue and emphasize with great vigor the commitment that States must maintain to respect rights and guarantees at all times. 

On May 10, 2020, the Inter-American Court published Resolution 1-20 on the sanitary emergency.The aim was to ensure that the decisions of the States were focused on the following in ensuring respect for human rights. For this reason, the document addresses the issue of the pandemic from the perspective of respect for and guarantees of human rights. 

Among the points developed in the resolution, it was mentioned how some restrictions or limitations to some rightsThe Commission also noted that the use of the term "social distancing", intended to ensure social detachment, could have a strong impact on the life and freedom of certain groups. In view of this, governments were urged to take measures to protect these vulnerable groups, which included the elderly, persons deprived of their liberty, women, persons with mobility difficulties, children and even press workers.

Defense of human rights, an opportunity to rebuild for the better

In light of this, this year's Human Rights Day focuses on reflecting on these inequalities. and propose new strategies to reduce the gaps and guarantee life and development in a space with greater freedom, integrity and conscience.

In view of the above, the United Nations proposed a series of measures to all States, among which the following stand out;

  • Eradication of any type of discrimination: Equality is a basic requirement for building the foundations of the new world after the health emergency.
  • Action in the face of inequalities: Promote and protect economic, social and cultural rights that reduce the gaps.
  • Promote participation and solidarity: The reconstruction is a work of all sectors of world life, each one has an important contribution from its own space.
  • Promote sustainable development: The intention is to achieve a world that guarantees itself survival and continued development despite all circumstances.

The Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on December 10, 1948.The purpose of the Convention was to determine the legal basis that would preserve the integrity of each person, in response to world events that had seriously violated these fundamental guarantees. Today it is the most translated document in the world and available in 500 languages, as it is a major international instrument that aims to recognize human dignity and consequently human rights.

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