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Telework and lawyers, a possibility thanks to technology

The possibility of performing work activities from home has improved the quality of life and capabilities of many professionals since technology made it possible. With technological advances, it is increasingly easier to manage and perform tasks remotely, from anywhere in the world, without having to go to the office in person.

Applications provide access to all information which was previously available only on fixed workstation servers. Without exaggeration, teleworking has become a way to professionally practice many trades and has resulted in theThe company's strategy is usually on a path to increase productivity and improve the employee experience.

The pandemic situation in the world has given great visibility to this form of work.In many cases it is the only possible way to continue operating under the current circumstances. This experience has highlighted the importance of continuing to invest resources in technology to make teleworking possible, and it is also essential to train staff to be able to fully perform their duties remotely.

The diverse occupations of the legal professional have made him flow in several spaces for the development of his activities.. For example, for a case he may have to visit the courts, the office, meet somewhere with the client, take homework home, among other possibilities. The nature of his work has found great support in these technologies for some time now. For example in Venezuela, the Intellectual Property Service Office has just implemented on April 27 a new online system in which you can make applications for registration of trademarks, patents and copyrights, which has been a novelty in the country and is expected to popularize the electronic signatures developed in the Venezuelan legislation in the year 2000, in order to further digitize the Public Records and Notaries. 

At the jurisdictional level, there are developed jurisdictions for filing lawsuits.The use of digital channels for litigation without the need to physically appear in court, as is the case in Spain and the United States of America. 

Studying teleworking: advantages and disadvantages

  • Can increase worker productivity In that sense, he does not have to spend time commuting to the office and can be more motivated by being in his own space, without interruptions such as the office telephone, colleagues, among others.
  • Saves resources of basic services and operation of the offices.
  • It means a greater investment in technological tools to allow operations to be carried out from the outside and to train personnel in their use.
  • Makes work schedules more flexibleThis allows staff to spend valuable time on other personal activities and meet their work objectives.
  • Allows the organization of activities based on the objectives to be achieved.
  • Requires establishing organization and schedules to avoid staff saturation and increase productivity.

Teleworking and lawyers: security and access to tools

The work of lawyers often requires confidentiality and an airtight handling of information.. This quality must be preserved even if the work is done remotely, so law firms must invest in adequate security systems for their databases and, in general, for all the information they have available in a cloud. In addition, it is essential to train staff to use the systems without violating privacy and to have a protocol for action in case security has been breached.

It is also generally necessary to have equipment such as smartphonesThe firm has invested in the purchase of secure VPN connections to the virtual office, tablets, laptops that can be used by lawyers from any location and with a good internet connection from each of the spaces from which they perform their functions. Some firms have invested in the purchase of secure VPN connections to the virtual office and videoconferencing systems to even schedule meetings securely between colleagues and clients. The latter tool is also of great relevance at a time when quarantine makes face-to-face meetings impossible.

How to improve teleworking as a lawyer

  • Three key alliesorder, discipline and concentration.
  • Choose a comfortable, quiet, well-lit space. and equipped with the necessary tools to carry out the functions. It is important to have a table or desk.
  • Establish work routines with established schedules to meet the objectives, in order to avoid delay in the fulfillment of functions or overload of activities. The intention is to emulate the office but from another space.
  • Avoid distractions of the home.
  • Maintaining a good image and presenceespecially in the case of videoconference meetings with colleagues and customers.

At Alan Aldana & Abogados, we have the necessary mechanisms and guidelines to keep cases and our clients satisfied in difficult times like the ones we are experiencing. Likewise, we have trained lawyers with experience in teleworking, which allows us to obtain positive results.

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