You are currently viewing La ética y los grandes delitos que afectan al mundo fueron los temas más leídos en 2019

Ethics and major crimes affecting the world were the most read topics in 2019

We are opening the year and it is a good time to review those topics that were present in our daily lives, with the intention of setting new goals for 2020. In Alan Aldana & Abogados we made the exercise of remembering those articles of our blog that were most read during 2019 and we selected the 10 texts that got the most attention.

The ethics of the legal professional continues to be an important topic for our visitors.. This interest in good practices is undoubtedly evidence of the relevance of ethical and principled practice. It may even be a sign of the path that the profession may be taking.

The topics related to legal mechanisms established in Venezuela aroused great interest. In this regard, the regulations against computer crimes, the principle of proportionality of penalties in the legal system and the exchange control established in the country stand out.

The definition of the term humanitarian crisis, its characteristics and mechanisms to be proclaimed.was one of the most relevant topics during this year. Also included in our list was the post related to the implications of the crime of money laundering, as well as the fundamental characteristics of the extradition process.

In addition, our readers were receptive to information related to the practical application of the profession and were interested in learning more about trends in legal services and key tips on how to perform successfully during a job interview at a law firm.

This is our list of the 10 most read topics on the firm's blog in 2019:

1. The ethical path of the Venezuelan lawyer. General considerations 

Professional morale shows the path to be followed by any trained person in a given area. To give legal and ethical compliance to their actions in their working life. The study of the moral duties of a professional is called deontology and in this case, the knowledge necessary to be a lawyer.

In Venezuela, the Lawyer's Code of Professional Ethics Venezuelan law is mandatory for all those who have the academic capabilities to practice the profession. Probity, honesty, discretion, efficiency, disinterestedness, truthfulness and loyalty are fundamental requirements for professional performance. Likewise, it is provided that the lawyer must maintain his independence in his work by not accepting any suggestion from his represented or sponsored party to harm his integrity and professional dignity.

2. Humanitarian crisis: What does it mean? 

According to the United NationsA humanitarian crisis is related to emergency situations resulting from disasters, whether due to natural events - earthquakes, floods and storms - or those derived from high-intensity armed conflicts that endanger the lives of a considerable number of people.

Throughout history, there have been profound humanitarian crises. One of the most significant crises occurred in 1991. When the Federal Republic of Somalia was hit by a series of conflicting events political and socio-economic, as a result of the struggle between different factions for power in the African country.

3. General aspects of the Special Law against Computer Crimes in Venezuela. 

The Special Law Against Computer Crimes was published in Official Gazette No. 37,313 dated October 30, 2001 and became officially effective on November 30, 2001. The purpose of this legal instrument is the integral protection of the systems that use information technologies, as well as the prevention and punishment of crimes committed against such systems, any of their components, or crimes committed through the use of such technologies.

4. The principle of proportionality of penalties as a dosimetry tool in the Venezuelan penal system. 

The administration of justice involves allocating how to pay This is not usually a simple task and requires an evaluation of the principle of proportionality of the penalties, in order to detect whether or not they are excessive in relation to the crime committed.

The democratic legal model and the rule of law established in Venezuela The proportionality of penalties is based on proportionality, taking into account the degree of harm to the legal good for their imposition. In this sense, the computation of the penalty is made according to objective and subjective criteria by means of which it is possible to weigh and evaluate the illicit quality of all the normative limits of freedoms, as well as the application of legality that restrict their exercise. The main purpose of sentencing is to avoid major crimes.

5. Prepare for your first successful law firm interview. 

Although all professions and occupations require human talent Trained to work under pressure, legal professionals must be able to respond and communicate effectively and quickly. The first step to a successful law firm interview begins before the face-to-face presentation. The curriculum vitae offers valuable information about your experience and capabilities, so it should be honestly written and attractively designed.

6. Money laundering has different legal implications in the world. 

Money laundering always leaves its mark and it is found sooner or later, several countries take action to combat the crime. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has been one of the institutions that has undertaken the fight against international crime, where money laundering is frequently involved. 

7. Extradition process: key features to understand the scope of extradition. 

Extradition is a judicial process through which a State makes a request for extradition. The return of a person accused of a crime who has been imprisoned in another country as a result of an international arrest warrant, with the intention of prosecuting him or her or continuing the sentence already imposed. It is regulated by international treaties and the laws of each country, since in order for it to be effective it is necessary to sign international agreements that protect this figure between the nations involved.

8. A petition to the Inter-American Commission: how to enforce Human Rights? 

The Inter-American System The Human Rights Commission is a guarantor of The system of human rights in the American continent, which is why it is very useful to have an in-depth knowledge of its competence. This system was born after the difficult experience of humanity in the various armed conflicts, where fundamental guarantees have been systematically and profoundly violated. Its intention is to promote the regional protection of human rights under all circumstances.

9. Expansion and the rise of technology are the trends in legal services for 2019 

Invest in technological innovation is one of the tasks that legal services have to aim at.This is what will allow them to stay alive and achieve efficiency in the sector during 2019. The use of these technologies will offer the possibility of handling more data and finding the best ways to protect this confidential information. To achieve this efficiently, it is essential to seek the advice of experts in the area, as the right programs can automate the legal processes that are candidates to do so.

10. Exchange control and its effects during 15 years in Venezuela. 

The restriction to the free convertibility of the currency began to be enforced in Venezuela. in 2003 and since then the regulations have changed throughout the years. The foreign exchange legal system referring to the circulation, conversion and valuation of the currency has its origin in sub-legal acts that support the foreign exchange administration regime based on: the mandatory sale of foreign exchange to the BCV derived from exports, services rendered and technological supplies; and the system of sales of foreign exchange to those who request it, to private economic agents and private entities that so request it.