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Teleworking, a modern option little explored in Venezuela

Remote work, not dependent on a particular infrastructure or space, is a growing trend in the world, especially in developed countries. The International Labor Organization defines this option as a form of work performed at a location away from the central office that does not usually involve face-to-face contact with colleagues and is possible thanks to the intervention of technological tools. Due to its particular qualities, teleworking requires a new form of communication and evaluation of results by the work team and supervisors.

Teleworking offers a variety of benefits for employers and workers by increasing productivity, increasing profits and revenues, reducing fixed costs, improving the quality of life of workers, saving in terms of time for the execution of activities, promoting teamwork due to the coordination required to carry it out, reducing the impact of people's mobility and boosting the use and appropriation of new technologies.

Teleworking in Colombia

In Colombia since 2008 there is a regulation for this modality defined by the Colombian laws as a form of labor organization that consists of the performance of remunerated activities or provision of services to third parties using as support the information and communication technologies for the contact between the worker and the company, without requiring the physical presence of the worker. In this country, teleworking can be supplementary (at a distance and in person), autonomous (completely at a distance) and mobile (without a defined place to perform activities, since they are performed through the cell phone). In addition, in this country the laws determine the specific conditions governing telework, the relationships between employers and this type of workers, as well as the obligations for public and private entities in this regard.

Telework in Spain

In Spain, this form of work began to be regulated since 1990 when it was established that companies were obliged to respect the private life of workers and began to explore the possibilities of including technological tools that would allow telecommuting. The Workers' Statute establishes all the legal measures that are contained in this work modality and its latest version, published in 2012, details all the aspects of teleworking.

Distance work in Venezuela

In Venezuela, very few steps have been taken in this regard. Some companies, of their own free will and in consensus with the employee, have defined some tasks to be performed under this modality. However, the lack of formal regulation has not established the necessary mechanisms for its control and follow-up, nor has it devised a legal plan to protect both the employer and the employee in cases of assuming remote tasks. In this sense, the Organic Labor Law has the debt of adapting itself to these requirements of modernity that translate into greater benefits in the labor field.

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