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Take on new challenges by specializing in international law.

Specializing in law can be a key to open new professional doors. Although not all university graduates take the path of specialization to practice law. Postgraduate studies provide specific skills to face problems in different areas, a quality highly appreciated by employers.

Therefore, specialized knowledge is a tool that can be used as a tool for to compete with greater certainty in the labor market. And multiply the possibilities of boosting your professional career as a lawyer. Undoubtedly, the decision to pursue a master's degree in law abroad broadens the range of job options in which you can perform, according to your own interests and skills.

Law can be applied to multiple areas such as commerce, education, communication, international relations, technology, environmental preservation, industry, among others. Advances in the world of technology and political changes have required legal experts to regulate all actions, which translates into new opportunities for professionals. Specializing in any of these areas allows you to transform reality in various social aspects, applying the corresponding legal resources.

Specializing in Law: more than a second degree, it is a new opportunity

If you still doubt about the benefits of specializing in law abroad, here are some of the advantages. Remember that every experience is different, but training will always be an extra point for your professional development.

  1. Deepen your knowledge in the selected area of specialization.. Knowing a subject perfectly allows you to build your work niche and become an expert in it. It stimulates learning and analytical skills.
  2. Obtain salary improvements due to the degree of specialization and education.. A specialized professional has greater competencies when it comes to dealing with work situations and can apply for more senior positions.
  3. Depending on the country in which you choose to continue your trainingyou can learn to manage and master a second language fluently.
  4. Enhance the skills expressed in your résuméThis makes it more attractive to employers and the possibility of being hired by international law firms.
  5. Increases opportunities for collaboration with international professionals in various parts of the world. Studying with people abroad expands your list of job contacts, even in your chosen area of specialization.
    If you are close to graduation and can specialize in law by obtaining a law degree, check the options offered to start a Master in Law, according to your socio-economic possibilities and interests. Here we recommend some of the most important ones in Europe during 2017.

Laws in the old continent

Master in Legal Studies (Germany)

This master's degree is aimed at legal professionals with leadership potential. To work as a lawyer in different organizations, industries or companies providing services. The program content enriches the skills for analysis, as well as deepens the methodological legal approaches to the area of civil law, corporate law, labor law and real estate law.

Integrated Master in Law (England)

Applicants to this course will deepen their knowledge of legal ethics, methods and specific skills for the practice of law. During the study plan they will be confronted with real legal cases, where they will have to put into practice the acquired skills.

Master in Corporate Law: Law, Markets and Behavior (Netherlands)

This master's degree enables legal professionals to broaden their horizons and skills. In that sense, it offers tools to understand the underlying economic principles of transactions and procedures. In the same way, its programmatic content involves learning the importance of knowing and evaluating key behaviors in the dynamics of companies, such as: mergers, the foundation of the company and the formation of contracts.

Master in Sustainable Development Law (France)

Through a multidisciplinary approach, this curriculum imparts the fundamentals of Sustainable Development Law. It covers the main aspects that govern the environment and the relationship of human beings with it. Applicants of this master's degree will generate specific skills for the application of the regulatory framework necessary to achieve sustainable development in the growth of human civilization.

Master's Degree in Economic Analysis of Law (Spain)

The economic analysis of law is a fundamental tool for a professional career. This master's degree applies economic methodology to legal and institutional problems.

Master's Degree in Criminology and Investigative Techniques (Spain)

It offers a multidisciplinary and transversal approach to work in this area of law. It also offers the possibility of real legal practices to apply the knowledge imparted.

Master of Philosophy in Legal Research or Government Studies (England)

With the knowledge acquired in this master's degree, students can carry out studies in the field of legal research or governance studies.

European Master in Human Rights and Democratization

It provides tools to understand and apply the regulatory framework to issues related to human rights, development, democratization and institution building.

Sources consulted